Chapter 19

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"Okay, we need chips, soda, what else?" Namjoon mumbled as he looked through the aisles. Yoongi was sitting in the cart with Hoseok, watching Namjoon get the stuff he needed for the party. 

He was putting all of the snacks in the basket when he heard a familiar voice call his name.

"Namjoon! Getting ready for tomorrow night? Hey, boys" Said Hongjoong as he walked towards them.

"Hey Hongjoong, yep just getting the snacks and drinks. Don't be shy boys" Namjoon replied as he placed another bag of chips in the cart.

Yoongi shyly looked up "Hi Joongie!" 

Hoseok giggled and held up his teddy bear he had brought along " j-joongie! bear!"

Hongjoong chuckled and ruffled their hair. "you two are so cute, that's a lovely bear Hoseok. Anyway, you said you're getting drinks, wheres the alcohol? Its new years after all"

"I'm buying juice boxes so Jin doesn't murder me, plus I'm not wanting my kids around any of it. Knowing all of you, you'll probably do something really stupid if you're drunk" Replied Namjoon as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, I see Seonghwa would kill me too if we had kids, and hey! I wouldn't do something stupid, maybe the others but not me. Also, I heard you and Changbin go new additions, is it true?" He asked.

Namjoon smiled but laughed nervously as he remembered the chaos he left at home. "Yeah that's true, we have twins now and Changbin has a little boy named Felix."

After the two got done talking Namjoon started finishing up the shopping by buying a few decorations and snacks for the kids.

He paid for the items and loaded them up in the car. He buckled up the boys, he started to head home, playing soft music for background noise.

"Appa?" Yoongi spoke up as he played with his fingers.

"Yes Suga, is something wrong?" Asked Namjoon as he looked in the rearview mirror.

"C-can I call Jinnie papa like Hobi?" He asked with wide eyes as he looked up at the mirror as he saw his appas eyes.

"Of course sweetheart, I'm sure Jinnie would love if you called him papa" Replied Namjoon sweetly as he smiled. 

He was happy his kids started trusting Jin enough to all him papa, it was heartwarming to know his kids' love Jin as much as he does. He knew Hoseok would adjust quickly but Yoongi was different. 

Even though he warmed up to Jin fairly quickly he was more reserved for a two-year-old.  Namjoon knew it probably had something to do with his ex-wife but he was happy to find someone to make him and his kids feel loved.

Meanwhile, Jin felt as if he was going to rip his hair out. Changbin was asleep on the floor with Felix laying on top of him half-awake. Taehyung and Jimin were either trying to chew on any and everything or hitting each other with their pacifiers. 

Jin was currently trying to keep everything put up high to avoid the twins chewing on them which only caused them to throw tantrums. The tantrums were nightmares for him.

He released a breath of air he didn't know he was holding when Namjoon walked through the door with a few bags in his hands with the boys following him inside.

"Hey Jinnie, you look stressed were the twins that bad?" He asked as he sat down the bags and picked up Jimin who had crawled to his legs.

"Hey, my sweet boy, did you miss me?" He said, lightly tickling Jimin's stomach making him giggle.

"They were chewing on everything, hitting each other with their pacifiers and throwing temper tantrums when I wouldn't let them chew on things." ranted Jin.

"That's why I have teething rings for when Hoseoks teeth bother him, but they're babies so it's normal," he said as he kissed Jimin's cheek.

 "I know, I think it's just because I'm tired. Anyway, How were these two at the store?" asked Jin as he pushed back his hair and started helping Namjoon put everything away.

"Angels, on the way home Yoongi asked if he can call you papa like Hobi," Namjoon said the last part a little quiet but loud enough for Jin to hear.

He saw a grin grow across Jin's face. His heart melted once again, he was a sucker for Jin's beautiful smile and wanted to keep it there. He smiled once again when jin hugged Yoongi tightly. He saw Yoongis gummy smile as he closed his eyes to enjoy the tight hold.

- - Time skip --

It was the day of the party and everyone was on their feet preparing. Namjoon was in charge of watching the twins, Felix and Hoseok while Yoongi 'helped' Jin cook. Changbin was decorating and occasionally helping Jin cook as well.

"Hey, Yoongi? Would you like to help me make cookies?" Asked Jin as he got the ingredients out for one of the final items he was making.

"Yeah! Cookies with papa!"Yelled Yoongi excitedly. He was already sitting on the counter watching Jin get everything prepared.

Jin smiled and measured out everything while he helped Yoongi put the contents in the bowl. He felt he was getting closer to Yoongi just by baking with him.

"Okay let's roll these into balls and place them on the tray." Instructed Jin as he showed Yoongi.

"Like this papa?" asked Yoongi as he placed a misshaped ball on the tray as jin showed him.

"Yeah buddy, just like that great job! Let's keep going until we have them all rolled" He said as they continued. 

Once Jin had put the cookies in the oven he sent Yoongi to hang out with Namjoon and the others while he finished up.

"Appa! I makes cookies with papa and he say i do a good job!" Exclaimed Yoongi as he ran over and jumped on Namjoons back.

Namjoon was sitting on the floor as he watched Hoseok try to teach his brothers and Felix about his precious bear. He gently grabbed Yoongis hands to support him while he was on his back.

"That's great baby! I'm sure papa enjoyed making cookies with you. Does he need any more help?"

Yoongi shook his head and continued to talk about making cookies.

"Appa why we need lots of food?" asked Yoongi as he sat down with the others.

"Appa is having a party to welcome in the new year with a bunch of friends, Woo is coming, that's exciting right honey?" asked Namjoon as he stroked the boy's hair.

He instantly saw Yoongis eyes light up more if it was even possible.

"Woo! I can shows him my new toys appa! Woo really wikes my toys! He say they cool!" said Yoongi as he bounced around.

Namjoon chuckled at his enthusiasm, it was too adorable. It was couple of hours before the party would start. All of the kids eventually fell asleep so Namjoon went to the kitchen and helped prepare everything.

"Papa made cookies with Yoongi?"Namjoon smirked as he saw that little grin play on Jin's lips.

"Why yes he did, Yoongi was quite helpful while supervising my cooking," Said Jin as the couple laughed together.

"I hate to break up the lovefest, but I have officially finished putting up the decorations. If you have any complaints, please place them in the bin for further examination" said Changbin as he pointed the trash can

Namjoon rolled his eyes" Thank you for the help, as long as they don't kill me I'm good " 

"Yep I think I would have a few complaints," said namjoon as they all took a breath and sat down to relax until party time.

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