Chapter 27

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A few days had passed and Jin was still at the hospital with his lover.

He slept on the uncomfortable chair across the room so he could be with him.

It was about 3 days later.

Namjoon woke up and was quietly looking around the room confused.

The light hurt his eyes but he made out a figure across the room. It was Jin.

The sight of Jin broke his heart.

He had his hands on his head and looking at the ground. His hair was disheveled and he looked so tired.

Jin was exhausted. He was dozing off when he heard a voice he missed.

"J-jin? Where are w-we? W-where are m-my boys?" Namjoon was squinting his eyes while adjusting to the light in the room.

Jin looked up, his dark brown eyes welled up with tears.

There were dark bags present under his eyes.

"J-joonie" He said in almost a whisper as he rushed to Namjoons side.

"B-baby I'm so happy you're awake! Its okay stay calm. The boys are with your eomma. I'll tell her you're awake and she'll bring them." Explained Jin as he gently hugged Namjoon.

"J-jin I'm s-so sorry" He whispered back.

"Baby, you have no reason to apologize. You were in an accident. It's not your fault. " He said as he called a doctor.

"Jin it was my fault. " Said Namjoon as he tried to sit up.

Jin made him lay back down until the doctor arrived.

"What do you mean? " He asked.

Namjoon opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the doctor checking on him.

Once the doctor was done. Namjoon was finally able to explain.

"Baby... I was so distracted. I was so worried about if I should've been leaving. I was worried about my children... About us" He stated.

Jin felt his heart break into a million pieces.

"Joonie I-" Jin was cut off by the last voice Namjoon ever wanted to hear.

His ex wife stumbled in with fire in her eyes.

"Kim Namjoon! Why are you leaving my children with this pathetic excuse of a boyfriend?! You think he can take care of them because he's oh so special?! I bet he's faking all of it! Those are my kids! You put yourself here and can't even bother to care for your kids! You took them from me! You're a pathetic excuse for a father and will never be a good father! You only care about yourself" She screamed. She was obviously very drunk.

Jin jumped at the volume of her voice. He had never met his ex but he certainly heard enough about her.

Namjoon felt his blood boil. His ex was holding onto the wall to stay standing.

Namjoon was about to yell back when he was cut off by Jin standing in front of him.

"Leave him alone! I think you should look in the mirror lady! Namjoon is the best father I've ever seen! He sacrifices everything for those kids! I bet you couldn't even tell me a single detail of what those boys look like! Don't you ever bring me into this! I love Namjoon and our sons with all my heart!! You have absolutely no right to have an opinion on him or even be here! I suggest you make this easy and get out now before I call security! " Yelled Jin as he got closer to her, towering over her.

His face was red. Namjoon had never seen Jin so angry before. He swear he saw steam coming from his ears.

Namjoons ex wife pushed Jin away and yelled in frustration.

"Whatever! Kim Namjoon don't come crying to me or anyone when this thing cheats on you. It's not like anyone could love you anyway. You love nothing but yourself! " And with that, she walked out.

The room was silent. Jin stood in his same spot, clenching his fist.

His was taking harsh deep breaths.

Namjoon began to laugh.

Jin turned around confused. Why was he laughing? Who would laugh at a time like this??

"Why are you laughing? " He said in pure confusion.

Namjoon slowly lifted his hand and wiped away a tear.

"Ya know, I never told anyone this, even Changbin. She leaves me drunk voicemail all the time. When she sober, I could be dead and she wouldn't care. But when she's drunk all of a sudden she thinks I'm the source of her terrible life because she can't be honest with herself. She wouldn't dare lay a hand on our children but I was her personal punching bag." Namjoon spilled.

Jin was still so confused. He was glad Namjoon wasn't affected by her words but he still didn't see why he was laughing.

"I know why am I laughing? " He said as if he read Jin's mind.

"When you've heard her excuses as many times as I have, it becomes a broken record at a comedy club" He said.

"She's a horrible person. I see her words are affecting you but, nobody should be told those things" Said Jin as he got closer to the bed.

"I know jinnie. You're the perfect father for our kids. I'm so proud of you. You stood up for me, took care of me and our kids and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. " Praised Namjoon.

The couple kissed and had a deeper conversation until they heard several tiny footsteps.

"Appa!" All 4 kids yelled as they all attempted to jump on the bed and hug Namjoon.

"Hey boys. Appa missed his babies" He said weakly hugging them all.

They all began to tell him about their day at the park when namjoons eomma walked in shortly after with a bag of food.

"Here dear, I brought you some food" She said, handing Jin the bag.

"Thank you eomma" He smiled as he slowly ate.

"Hello baby, I'm so happy you're awake" She kissed namjoons forehead which made him smile.

"You boys look a bit tense, what happened? " She asked concerned.

"She came in here eomma. " Said Namjoon.

His mother's smile faultered and turned to anger.

"Well, she had no right to but both of you and the boys are safe and that's all that matters" She said. Her smile returned.

The doctor knocked on the door.

"Mr.Kim Namjoon, I see you're much better than before, we will keep you another day to make sure you're suitable to go home." He explained.

A bit later eomma left and took the kids with her as well.

"As I was saying earlier, you don't have to worry about us, I reassure you. We will be okay." Said Jin as he kissed his hand.

"I know, I think I'll have to talk to my boss, I'm not ready for traveling yet" Commented Namjoon with a laugh as the couple ate together.

Once it got late, Namjoon told Jin to go home so he could sleep in an actual bed.

Jin reluctantly compiled and went home to sleep before returning in the morning to pick him up.

Hello! It's almost 4am but oh well. Here is like part 2 of the last chapter but I hope you like it :)

Love y'all


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