Chapter 24

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It had been a few weeks since Namjoon took the promotion. He noticed something wasn't right. Jin had been leaving and coming home late at night.

He trusted Jin and knew he wouldn't hurt him. The thought that swirled his mind never left no matter how much he fought it.

Was Jin cheating on him?

Tonight he told himself to confront his fear and ask Jin.

At the moment, Jin was fighting a fussy Jimin while Namjoon fought a fussy Hoseok to sleep.

It wasn't often when this occurred but tonight seemed to be the chosen night for chaos.

Jimin was in Jin's arms, yawning ever so often why fighting to keep his eyes open. Jin was softly singing and rocking him while rubbing his back.

After a few minutes Jimin finally calmed down and fell asleep peacefully.

On the other hand, Namjoon was holding Hoseok and patting his head gently.

Patting Hoseoks head had become a normal solution to putting him to sleep. Namjoon wasn't completely sure when or how it started but he was just thankful he knew.

Eventually Hoseok gave in to his exhaustion and fell asleep in Namjoons arms.

He gently laid the boy in his bed, kissed his forehead and left the room.

Jin had gone to the kitchen to get a drink of water before going to bed.

So Namjoon changed and got into bed with the book he was currently reading.

Jin finally came to their bedroom. He quietly shut the door and was faced with Namjoon reading his book.

"Gonna stay up and read Joonie?" He asked.

Namjoon put his book down and just stared. He was building up the courage when he finally spoke.

"Jin, why have you been leaving most nights? A-are you cheating on me? " Namjoon Tensed up as the words fell from his mouth.

Jin couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"J-joonie I'd never cheat on you. I know that's what it looks like but let me explain myself" Jin said as he made his way towards his boyfriend.

Namjoon didn't move, he had a look of hurt and confusion painted on his face.

Jin didn't know where to start. He'd hurt his boyfriend.

"Baby, I knew that even though we make a good amount of money, we needed just a little more so we could get a much bigger house. " He started, watching Namjoon carefully.

Namjoons expression was unreadable.

"Jin I-" He was cut off by Jin shushing him.

"Shh I'm not done. I know I shouldn't have kept it from you but I wanted to surprise you. " He took Namjoons hands into his. " I got a job at this bar as a performer since you had told me I had a nice voice. I've been getting a lot of money from it and I enjoyed performing. Now that I've told you... Surprise?" He said awkwardly.

Namjoon teared up. He was so touched and felt horrible for accusing Jin of cheating.

"J-jinnie, baby, you didn't have to do that. I-im so so so sorry I accused you. I'm horrible" He rambled while tears slipped down his face.

"Shh Joonie, it's okay take a deep breath. You're not horrible you're the best person in the world. I completely understand why you had that suspicion. Calm down " Jin said gently as he pulled Namjoon into a comforting hug while rubbing his back.

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