Chapter 21

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[ Hope yall don't mind but I'm time-skipping to Hobis birthday :)]

It was Hoseoks 2nd birthday, and man did it hurt. Namjoon couldn't believe how fast all of his kids were growing.

Hoseok was saying sentences now, the twins were walking and saying a few words, and Yoongi had started an obsession over Kumamon. It wasn't a small obsession if he had to have new items, it had to be kumamon themed.

Seonghwa had become a babysitter when needed, but Jin would stay home with the kids while Namjoon was at work.

Jin was moved in and they had revealed more about their pasts to each other. Now it was time to celebrate. Hoseok had chosen the zoo when Jin showed him his options for the day out.  

When they arrived at the zoo Jin had a stroller for the twins and was pushing it while they walked around and looked at the animals Hoseok wanted to see. "Appa I wanna see the snakes!" exclaimed yoongi as they walked by the reptiles exhibit. 

"Alright baby, ill take you to see the snakes, Hobi do you wanna see the snakes?" Asked namjoon as Yoongi held his hand.

Hoseok nodded and followed Namjoon with Jin behind them. Once they were in front of the snakes' tanks Namjoon helped them see into the tanks, pointing out where the snakes were.

Yoongis eyes lit up "Papa! Lookie at the snakes! They cool!" Jin chuckled and looked at the snakes while showing the twins.

"I see sweetie they are pretty cool! No need to be afraid Jimin, they can't get you" Jin stroked Jimin's hair gently.

"Wan snake!" Yelled Taehyung while Jimin was hiding behind Jin's leg.

"What do you think Hobi? Do you like the snakes?" asked Namjoon as he got down next to Hoseok.

"I hate snakeu!" He cried and hugged Namjoon.

"Sunshine, they can't get you, why don't you like them hm?" questioned Namjoon as he lifted Hoseok into his arms.

Hoseok only hid his face in namjoons neck "scary."

They decided to move onto the tigers. Taehyung started bouncing in his seat when he saw them, he loved tigers. Hoseok loved them too he giggled and watched as they walked around.

"Appa monkey!"Yelled Hoseok as he ran to the monkeys and giggled. he watched as they swung around on the vines and some even coming up to the glass. Jin snapped a picture of all of the kids and Namjoon at the glass looking around.

Next was the giraffes, they were given crackers to hold out while the giraffe would come by and take it by licking it off their hands.

Yoongi would giggle as the giraffe licked his hand and he quickly got to pet them. Jimin and taehyung squealed and would clap their hands. While Hoseok giggled and jumped up and down yelling "again."

"Jimin and Taehyung were now out of the strollers and walking while holding Yoongis hands. They all walked around in circles until it was around lunchtime.

The family found a small restaurant in the zoo and decided to eat inside. Namjoon held up his phone and took a picture with everyone. All of them were smiling wide with pure joy.

After taking the picture, Namjoon set it as his lock screen and put his phone away. While they were ordering Namjoon mentioned it was Hoseoks birthday to surprise him. They were in the middle of eating when all of a sudden they were bombarded with the staff.

"Attention everyone we have a very special birthday boy here today!" Announced one of the staff members. 

Hoseoks eyes lit up, he stood on his chair and clapped while giggling. He was filled with joy from the attention, Jin held his waist to make sure he didn't fall while jumping.

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