Chapter 25

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It was the day before Namjoon had to leave for a week. He was nervous to say the least.

He knew he shouldn't be. Jin said he would be fine taking care of the boys by himself but he still worried.

Right now he was double checking everything was accounted for.

While  doing a mental checklist the boys were outside playing while Jin supervised.

Once he was done he walked outside and sat down with Jin.

Taehyung and Jimin were playing in mud, Hoseok ran to Namjoon noticing his presence.

"Having fun bud? " He asked, pulling the little boy onto his lap.

Hoseok nodded and snuggled up to Namjoon chest.

"Appa why you leave? " He mumbled.

"It's for work sweetie, but you're gonna have papa and your brothers isn't that going to be fun? " Namjoon replied , trying to cheer him up.

He nodded and giggled while getting up and pulling on Namjoon arm.

"Come play Appa! " He yelled attempting to pull him towards Yoongi.

He chuckled "okay okay I'll play. What are we going to play hm? " He questioned.

Yoongi got up, poked Namjoon and ran off "you it appa!" He yelled.

Hoseok immediately ran and giggled.

Namjoon smiled and slowly ran after them.

While they were playing Jin was trying to stop the twins from feeding each other the mud.

"Jimin, it's sweet of you to make Tae Tae a mud pie but it's not for eating " He said as he gently put Jimin creation away from Taehyungs mouth.

"But it mud pie papa! " Argued Jimin.

"I know but it's not for eating. How about we make one you can eat? How does that sound? " Asked Jin.

Jimins eyes sparkled as he stood up "yeah! One we eat! " He shouted as Taehyung joined him.

Before Jin could catch them they were off after Namjoon.

Namjoon caught up to Yoongi. He gently grabbed him, picked him up and spun him around.

"I got you my little monster!" He yelled happily.

Yoongi giggled and kissed Namjoon cheek once he stopped spinning.

Suddenly Namjoon felt both of his legs get hit.

He looked down and saw his little twins smiling and covered from head to toe in mud.

He internally groaned at getting muddy but he didn't mind too much.

How could you ever get mad at those little smiles?

He chuckled at the boys occupying his legs.

"Hello mud monsters!" The twins smiled and giggled.

"Hi Appa! " Yelled Taehyung followed by the same response from Jimin.

"Papa say we make mud pies we can eat!" Squealed Jimin.

"Aww that sounds like fun! How about we get you all cleaned up and we can make them" Suggested Namjoon as he sat Yoongi back down.

They all nodded their heads vigorously.

Before they went inside the twins being the twins tackled both Hoseok and Yoongi.

They we covered in mud, making Yoongi upset and Hoseok giggling at the mess.

"Alright mud monsters it's bath time for you all!" Said Jin as he ushered them to the bathroom.

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