Chapter 26

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Today was the big day... Namjoon was leaving.

Jin made sure Namjoon was okay the whole time he loaded the car to go to the airport.

The kids were still asleep so he kissed their foreheads and said goodbye.

After one last tight hug and a heart melting kiss, Namjoon was on his way.

He was tired, beyond tired. He didn't sleep well due to nerves and his mind was spinning with thoughts.

Was this what he should be doing? Is Jin going to realize he won't like him leaving?

His mind was distracting him so much that he wasn't paying attention to driving.

Suddenly, everything felt like time stopped. Next thing he knew he was trapped in his car that had been turned over.

He felt pain everywhere. It was unbearable.

He could hear sirens fading in and was being pulled out of his car.

"Sir? Can you tell me your name?" He heard a paramedic ask.

He was trying his best to talk while the pain was coursing through his veins.

"K-kim N-am-j-joon" He pushed himself to say and he saw darkness grow darker and darker.


Jin had gone back to bed and was sleeping soundly when his phone went off.

It was usually turned on silent until he got up, but Namjoon said he'd call when he got to the airport.

He quickly shot up and grabbed his phone.

He answered without looking at the caller ID since he was assuming it was his boyfriend.

"Hello is this mister Kim Seokjin?" Asked the woman on the phone.

Jin could feel his heart stop. He almost dropped the phone.

"Y-yes may I ask why? " He asked trying to push his fear down his throat.

"You're listed as one of Mr. Kim Namjoons emergency contacts. He was in a car accident this morning and is currently being treated at Seoul memorial hospital. " Explained what Jin assumed to be a nurse.

Jin's whole world stopped. He felt as if he was going to pass out.

"Sir? Are you still on the line? "

Jin swallowed hard to keep his tears from falling.

"Y-yes ma'am i-is will be there soon, t-thank you" He Studdered as he hung up and woke up all of the kids.

It was still early for the kids, but the sun was rising which meant they'd be fully awake soon.

Once they arrived, Jin had taken them to the daycare within the hospital.

He promised them he would be back soon and went to the front desk to ask for Namjoons room.

"Excuse me? I'm here to see Kim Namjoon" He said as he approached the friendly looking nurse.

"What's your name and relationship to Mr. Kim? " She asked while typing on her computer.

"Kim Seokjin. I'm his boyfriend" He stated while nervously tapping his fingers.

"Room 308, he should be in his room right now with the doctor. " She said while giving directions to his room.

He thanked her and made his way up to the third floor of the huge hospital.

Jin's head was plaguing him with worse case scenarios.

Was Namjoon gonna be okay? Was he going to lose him? Was he there in time?

Once he made it inside the room.

He saw Namjoons mother was talking to the doctor while holding Namjoons hand tightly.

Namjoon had his eyes closed.

Machines were hooked up to him everywhere.

He saw how broken Namjoons mother looked.

He felt like he was in a nightmare.

"Jin, sweetie" Mrs. Kim said as she got up and brought Jin in for a bone crushing hug.

The doctor had left and Jin hugged back as the tears he were holding back were slowly falling.

He sat on the small chair next to Namjoons bed and put his hands up to cover his eyes as he sobbed.

"Jin honey, he's gonna be okay, the doctor said he's stable and is in a medically induced coma to help him heal faster" Mrs. Kim explained as she comforted Jin.

He still buried his face into his hands, slightly tugging at his hair.

"E-eomma look at him. H-hes so h-hurt. He shouldnt b-be suffering " He choked between sobs.

"I know, n-neither of you should be near here. But I see how strong you two are together. I'll take the boys home with me and bring them when he wakes up okay? " She reasoned while rubbing Jin's back to calm him down.

He nodded "t-thank you"

"Of course honey, everything is going to be just fine okay? I know my son, he's a fighter and would never leave you " She said before giving Jin a hug and kissing her sons forehead and leaving.

Now it was just him and Namjoon.

Jins sobs reduced to sniffles over time as he held Namjoons hand.

"Joonie, I heard that people in comas can hear you, so I hope you're hearing me right now. Getting that call was scary. I-i felt my heart stop. I couldn't imagine a world without you. You're the rainbow to my rainy day. My shining star. You and the boys make me the happiest man alive." He was spilling his emotions while rubbing tiny circles across Namjoons knuckles with his thumb.

For hours he talked, some points he felt like he was talking to himself. But he had faith that Namjoon could hear him.

He stayed day and night at the hospital.

He would call and talk to the boys to hear about their exciting day.

They had no idea about Namjoon being hurt. All they knew was appa was sleeping a lot in the hospital.

"Is appa awake papa?" Asked yoongi. He had asked every chance he got.

"Not yet sweetie, he's very sleepy I'm sure he'll be awake soon. I can't wait to see you my babies. " He said sweetly.

Once it came close to the boys bedtime he wished them a good night and hung up.

He held Namjoons hand and told him about what their boys were up to.

"They have the biggest imagination joonie. I think Hoseok and yoongi are a lot like your personalities. Hoseok is so energetic and playful. Yoongi is so optimistic about what he wants to do" He smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep with his head near Namjoons side on the hospital bed.

Plot twist 😳 whoops. Anyway my best friend helped me with this and I'll be updating this chapter right after this one is published :)))

Love y'all


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