Chapter 29

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"Yoongiiii wake upp" Jin said in a sing-song voice while gently shaking Yoongi.

Yoongi only shuffled and tried to fall back asleep.

"Guess I'll have to eat your birthday  pancakes for you then" Jin said while smirking.

He heard a faint gasp followed by Yoongi sitting up in his bed.

"No papa! They mine!" He said with big doe eyes and a pout.

Jin laughed and picked him up. "I'm just kidding sweetie, happy birthday " he said while booping the boy's nose.

Yoongi scrunched up his nose and giggled.

"Thank yous papa" he kissed Jins cheek and laid he head on him.

"Okay boys when papa comes in here with your brother, we've all got to say happy birthday okay?" Namjoon quietly told all of the boys surrounding the table.

They all nodded except for Taehyung who was already yelling happy birthday.

Soon they heard footsteps and giggles become louder.

As soon as their faces were visible they all yelled "happy birthday!"

Yoongi squealed and reached out for Namjoon.

Namjoon took Yoongi and spun him around "happy birthday my little monster! I love you so much!" He cheered.

"Joonie careful about your shoulder" Jin warned.

Yoongi giggled madly and hugged Namjoon tightly.

"Thank yous appa! Me loves you too!" He buried his head into Namjoons neck.

"I know it doesnt hurt that bad right now"

Ever since the crash, Namjoon had problems with his shoulder.

The doctors gave him pain killers that had been working well but he still occasionally felt pain.

Namjoon set Yoongi in his seat so he could start eating breakfast along with the others.

"What's the plan?" Asked Jin.

"Well Yoongi didnt really mention a certain place so I'm thinking a party here. We can invite Changbin with Felix and just whoever." Explained Namjoon as he ate.

"Sounds like a plan! I'll invite my parents and get decorations " said Jin as he finished up breakfast.

"Sounds good to me, I'll invite the others and get the kids ready" Namjoon said as he gathered his and Jins plate.

They waited for the boys to finish as they began to clean up everything.

"Okay boys let's go get dressed!" Cheered Namjoon as all of the boys took off to their rooms.

Jin got ready and headed to the store to get decorations and a cake.

Before he left he sat in his car and called his mom.


"Hey Eomma!" Jin greeted.

"Hi sweetie! It's been so long since we've seen you!" His mom replied cheerfully.

"I know Eomma I miss you both! Um so my boyfriend I've mentioned to you a couple of times and my kids . Well, the oldest has a birthday today and we are planning a party and I'd like you to come" explained Jin.

Why was he so nervous? He's mentioned them all before.

"That sounds lovely! Send us the address and we be there" his Eomma replied.

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