Chapter 18

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Since adopting the twins, the couple was able to get their birthdate and everything they needed to know. They found out that their mother was a drug addict and the father still remained unknown.

(I'm using Taes birthday so they are birthday twins. Hope yall don't mind :)) 

It was the day before the twins' first birthday and Jin was wanting to have a small party, they had been back and forth between Changbin and Jin's house since they were all staying at Namjoons house until after New Years'.

Once they managed to set up a little party it was late at night. The kids were asleep and the adults were watching a movie before going asleep.

In the morning Yoongi went into what was now the twins'room and cheered. "Happy biwthday TaeTae and Minnie!"

Hoseok was now sharing a room with Yoongi, they had gotten another crib. Jimin had Hoseoks old crib while Taehyung was in the new crib.

Both Jin and Namjoon walked in behind Yoongi, each picking up a twin. Jimin giggled in Jin's arms and snuggled against his chest.

"Good morning and happy birthday sweetie!"Cheered Jin as he kissed Jimins forehead, doing the same to Taehyung.

Taehyung had his head buried in Namjoons chest, almost falling back asleep.

Hoseok woke up not too long after everyone was up, they all ate breakfast while talking about plans for the day.

Namjoon fed Jimin while Jin fed Taehyung. Yoongi and Hoseok were giggling and eating with their hands while Changbin fed Felix.

"Are you gonna do first birthday pictures like you have for Yoongi and Hoseok?" asked Changbin.

"I just need to get them smash cakes and we can." Said Namjoon as he gathered plates to take to the sink to clean later.

"I'll get them! You guys are the photographers after all" Said Jin as he got up and got ready to leave.

After getting the cakes and getting set up, Namjoon set the camera, and Jin got the twins in nothing but diapers and sat them down in front of the cakes.

Yoongi was off to the side with Hoseok, waiting until they could eat some of the cake.

Soon Taehyung reached out and hit his hand down onto his cake and giggled as he threw his arms everywhere along with the cake flying everywhere.

Namjoon took pictures while Changbin was waiting for Jimin.

Jimin saw Taehyung and soon copied him, bring both hands down making the cake fly everywhere. 

There was cake all over their faces and hands, they had big bright smiles while they continued to play with the cake.

"This is going to be fun to clean up" Commented Jin.

" 'ake!" Yelled Hosoek as he ran and joined the mess.

Eventually, Yoongi joined in followed by Felix. The kids were throwing cake at each other making everyone laugh. Namjoon quickly grabbed the remains of the cake and put them out of reach to avoid a further mess. 

Yoongi was drawing a mustache on Hoseok with icing while Hoseok just rubbed the icing on himself.

"Okay boys lets get you both cleaned up so we can have more fun!" said Jin happily as he picked up Jimin and held Hoseoks hand, leading them out of the room. Namjoon helped Changbin clean up everything while Jin bathed the boys.

Soon Hoseok ran into the room with a fresh set of clothes on and clean while Jin came in behind holding a clean Jimin with Hoseoks old clothes on.

Namjoon took Taehyung and Yoongi to get cleaned up while Changbin cleaned up the equipment while watching Felix.

"You're my little monster huh?" Changbin ruffled Felix's hair while he babbled nonsense. 

Soon a clean Yoongi ran into the room with fresh clothes followed by a soaked Namjoon with Taehyung in his arms.

Changbin laughed as he scooped up Felix to take him to get cleaned up. "did you take a bath or your kids?" 

Namjoon laughed along with Changbin "ask me that when you get down genius" he said as he placed Taehyung next to Jimin in the middle of the living room.

Throughout the day they had a small celebration. Jin had grabbed a few toys and other things for the twins'.

After lunch, all of the kids were napping so the three adults laid around and talked. Jin laid on Namjoons chest as they talked about it already being close to the new year.

"New years resolutions? Mine is probably to be the best dad ever" said Changbin as watched the show playing in the background on the TV.

"Mine is to be a better boyfriend and to learn to cook better" Said Namjoon. 

"To learn to not break things should be one" added Changbin, making Namjoon roll his eyes.

"I'm not sure what mine is yet," said Jin. He got up as soon as he heard a cry. Jin left the room and came back holding Taehyung who was asleep with his head tucked into the crook of Jin's neck.

"Aww look at you two, is this the same person who said he didn't think he'd be a good dad?" Teased Namjoon.

Jin felt a blush spread across his cheeks "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Get a room you two" Joked Changbin. 

Everyone just laughed until a faint voice was heard "Papa?"

Hoseok was rubbing his eyes as he shuffled towards Jin. Namjoons eyes widened but soon they softened when Hoseok sleepily looked up at Jin "Papa wan up" he held his arms up.

"Sweetie, I'm holding TaeTae, your Appa is over on the couch," said Jin as he gestured towards Namjoon.

Hoseok quickly went to Namjoon, raising is arms up.

Namjoon lifted him onto his lap "hey sunshine, did you sleep well?" 

Hoseok laid his head on Namjoons chest and nodded "bubba sweep" mumbled Hoseok.

"Bubba is still asleep? I'm sure he'll be up soon to play with you" Namjoon said as he stroked the boys head.

After everyone was up it was chaos to say the least, the twins were crawling everywhere. Felix was having a screaming battle with Changbin for entertainment and Yoongi was playing restaurant with Hoseok, who would throw the food served to him.

 Namjoon was calling people to make sure they were coming to the New Years party he was hosting.

The guests varied from coworkers to some other friends. He made a list of a few things he needed. "I'll take the two oldest so you'll have them off your hands," said Namjoon as he got the two oldest bundled up and headed to the store.


Hello! New chapter once again! This one took a bit I got kinda stuck in the middle but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it and are enjoying the story!

Love yall


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