For an unknown girl...

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Antique chest up top

Connor POV

"Connor, my dad wants you to drive his truck back to the address that's in the GPS already and deliver some stuff to the new kid, he unexpectedly has to take care of a family member and has nothing for a little girl so you are to drive the things that will be loaded in the truck to the house. Please be nice to the guy, he's so adorable and innocent and I don't want you to scare him with your death glare and nasty attitude." Jazlyn said to me once I answered my phone after the third time she called. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine I'll drive but I'm not helping unload the shit and leaving once the truck is cleaned out." I replied and hung up, knowing they will be here soon so I go outside and open the old garage next to the pack house and sneeze as the dust fills my nose.

I look around and go inside and look to see what is still useable. I also have no idea how old this little girl is so I get out a crib and a bed frame, a toddler mattress that is still in the plastic and a twin mattress that is also in plastic and set them against the side of the garage. I grab the side of a medium size white dresser, it's a heavy oak wood thick dresser with pink butterflies and fairies on the top of it, art work from when the girls were younger. I set it outside as well and grab the drawers and place them on top. I find a book case, two small bedside tables, a mirror that goes with the whole set, for the dresser though and a desk and chair with a small vanity and small stool that has a thick pillow top for the seat. My aunt's had a lot of girlie things so this should be good for this little girl.

I also spot a piece of furniture I used to use when I was little. It's a deep chest for the foot of the bed, it can hold blankets or pillows even toys if she wants. I pull it out and notice it's a little damaged from when I would flip out, the lid is cracked from being slammed a lot and the wood is chipped from my fists punching it a lot. One leg is missing and the other's are worn so I put it aside and go into Jake's tool shed and gather things I will need to repair it.

As I'm finished up replacing the lid with slow closing hinges, don't want the heavy lid falling on her little hands, I see papaw's truck pull up and my uncle Alex and uncle Jayden get out and walk over to the pile of things I have out.

"What are you doing to your old chest Con?" Uncle Jayden asked me walking over to me.

"I'm making it kid safe for the little girl, I also fixed the damage it had and I am going to paint it her favorite color so could you call someone who is at the house to find out for me while I put the tools away?" I asked and he nodded.

I may not like being touched and am a dick a lot of the time but I will do anything for my family, even if it doesn't seem like I would. With how I treat them, I wouldn't believe me either but family is the most important thing and Issac reminded me of that. I may have had a hard past but it isn't their fault, my cousins were my age or a little older, my uncles, all of them were either fighting or at the pack house and papa well you know what happened there, the only one I do blame still for unknown reasons is Jake. It may be a twenty minute drive to town but it's only a five minute run for a wolf so he could have ran with papa and made sure someone was there if he couldn't go the whole way, he could have had someone waiting on papa and then went back to town.

"Her favorite color is sky blue, I was told it's got to be sky blue. No other blue, her dad's eye color." Uncle Jayden said and I nodded and went to get the pint of sky blue paint and a paint brush. I also got a sander to sand the top of the chest and got to work.

They have finished loading the truck with everything a little bit ago and I was just about done with the final coat of paint when a ring of a phone has me looking up and hearing that the house done, just the little girls room so I put the final touch of paint on and uncle Jayden and I lift the chest and place it near a heating lamp so the heat will dry it faster. The paint isn't thick so it shouldn't take to long to dry.

"What made you do this Connor? You don't know this girl and yet you are giving her something that has been in the family for years. It's an antique and I thought for sure you would have passed it down to your child one day." Uncle Alex asked and his face pales when he mentioned me having kids. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Well we have other things we can pass down uncle Alex, I don't mind giving her this, if it makes her smile and the new kid happy. I'm ok with parting with it." They looked at me with their jaws dropped and wide eyes like I was going to grow another eye or something.

I wonder why this new kid is taking care of her though. Knowing my family, they will be looked after from afar without knowing it and Aiden and Ethan plus Ally and Eli will become friends with him and make him feel welcome and look out for him.

"What's with the looks?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Nothing, it's just nice to see you talking without cussing one of us out or even talking, you usually just grunt, yell and storm off. I like this, even if it's not going to last but we'll take it when we can." Uncle Jayden said and I closed my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him and to our surprise, me from my skin not burning and being sickened by touch and him for me hugging him, we hugged one another. I have always respected my uncle, he has always been tough on me and I always liked that he was, even if I never showed it.

I know I have a lot of making up to do, especially to Jake and I know it will take time but I will get help because I see how much a simple hug from me has touched my uncle if the tears that are soaking my tank top are any indication. I gotta thank Issac for opening my eyes to the pain I have caused my family from my actions.

"Uncle Jayden, do you have the contact information for that therapist I went to before?" I asked and he pulled away from me but kept his hold on me and nodded with tear filled eyes and a heart broken smile.

"Yes, I do. This is such a huge step Connor, you are doing the right thing. We will be there every step of the way for your recovery and I promise, your dad, he is going to be so happy when he finds out you want to get help."

"Don't tell him, I don't want anyone to know yet. Let me tell him when I'm ready." I said and he nodded and hugged me again. I sank into his warmth for the first time in my life since I was little that I don't even remember how it felt.

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