He's breath taking blue eyes

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Connor POV

As soon as I pulled up to this house, I felt calm for some reason, like so calm I didn't feel any pain in my heart which is strange. Ignoring it I get out of the truck and uncle Jayden and Alex start unloading the furniture and I wait until they get inside and the others come out to get stuff and I am about to grab the chest when a beautiful dog comes running outside and starts running down the sidewalk. I quickly run after him since I'm sure this kid will not want to go out looking for his dog at this hour in an unknown area to him.

Thankfully the dog doesn't run to far and finds a tree and after sniffing around for a few seconds he hikes his leg and marks the tree and trots over toward me and huffs like it's my fault his bladder was about to explode. I chuckle and start walking with him beside me back to the house. He runs inside as uncle Alex comes out and we unload the chest and go into the house and as soon as I step foot inside I get hit with the sweet scent of cameral and lavender, my knees go weak and my heart starts pounding a mile a minute and I about lost my grip on the chest.

"Our mate is here! Find them!" Goren said and I couldn't move. I do and don't want to find my mate at this point in my life but fate has a way of knocking me on my ass it seems.

"Are you ok?" Uncle Alex asked me and all I could do is nod.

"I ah I found my mate." I whispered but I know everyone but Skylar heard me.

"Oh son, that's amazing. Skylar is such a sweet young man. He will be the light in your life that you need. I'm so happy he is your mate." Papa said and everyone agreed. I sigh and we start our way to the stairs and take them up until the scent of my mate is even stronger and we walk in and I can't see him yet as his back is turned to me but the minute he turns around, I lose all the air in my lungs as he looks at me with his beautiful bright crystal clear blue eyes.

He is an inch shorter than me and I can't tell how his body is since it's covered in a white hoodie and sweats but his hair is a dark brown that it makes his eyes even brighter if possible.

I introduced myself and he did as well and we sat on the bed and talked for a few minutes and went to eat dinner. As we sat down everyone was looking at us and smiled. I couldn't help my own smile at the fact my beautiful mate is here, right next to me.

We have casual conversation and everyone is loving him from their words and praises in my head about him.

"Oh I met your dog when I pulled in. He ran out of the front door and ran down the street, he had to go to the bathroom but after he came up to me and we walked back here. He's a pretty dog." I complimented the quiet big dog laying on the floor next to my mate.

"Oh, I haven't let him out in a few hours, I'm sorry if he caused you any trouble by going after him. Rosco is a good dog, he's been my best friend for four years now. I may take him for a walk in the forset one day after I get to know this huge beautiful gray wolf I met yesterday when I got into town. He was just standing in the woods and I saw him and pulled over and got out. I walked up to him and he just stood there and watched me. He didn't seem like he was wild though, he looked like he was someone's pet because he looked clean and didn't smell like a wild animal if that makes sense." Skylar said and we all chuckled and uncle Jayden hid his smile.

"That was you wasn't it?" Dad asked and uncle Jayden nodded.

"We met him at the store yesterday and told him to contact us to hang out and now we have an even better excuse to hang out since he is Connor's mate." Ethan said and I couldn't stop smiling.

"It is so nice to see that smile and that sparkle back in your eyes Connor. I truly did miss it." Dad told me in our own link and I looked over at him. I actually looked at him and saw the small stress lines on the sides of his eyes and the tiny hint of gray hair and the worry lines on his forehead and the slight bags under his eyes and his eyes looked tired but when he looked at me, I could see love in his eyes and smile for me and I felt my heart ache, I'm the reason he looks like he does. I will be a better son, I'm not going to change within days but I will.

"Thank you." I simply said but it was a thank you for everything even if he doesn't know it yet. He nods and we focus back on dinner.

"There are wolves all around here, they are nice and friendly. They were raised around us so they know us pretty well so don't be afraid to go up to one, they won't hurt you." Dad said and it's the truth, once they all find out he's my mate, they will protect him with their lives.

"Awesome. I love wolves, I think they are majestic and beautiful animals. I even met a werewolf when I lived in Tennessee. It was the coolest thing ever. He said he was a lone wolf, just traveling around to find a pack. I met him one day when I was walking Rosco through a deserted park and I saw him turn into a human and I wasn't scared, I was excited and we became friends. He told me they are all over the place, live in packs, are close to one another, love their family and protect each other with all they have. He said if I ever come across anymore lone wolves, to not be scared if they had normal color eyes, not red which are the feral dangerous wolves and to let them know I'll be there since he was alone, he was so sad looking. I hated to leave him because he was alone and well, I had to move. I hope he's doing well." Skylar said in a sad tone at the end.

I was shocked along with everyone else, he knows about us which will make telling him a lot easier.

"Did he say why he was a lone wolf?" Dad asked and Skylar snapped his head up so fast I heard it crack slightly.

"Wait you believe me?" He asked and we all chuckled.

"Yes, we do." We all said and he looked at all of us and the looks on his face as he was thinking hard were funny but I didn't laugh, don't want him to think I'm making fun of him.

"You all are werewolves, aren't you?" He asked after a few minutes of thinking.

"Yes, this is a werewolf town, you can't tell a soul. Only reason I told you is because well you are important to us Skylar and we will always look out for you." I said and he smiled and I got lost in the innocent look in his eyes.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. I was asked to not tell anyone around town about Sam because he didn't want to be hurt because it's a secret. I know you all don't know me but I can keep a secret and you can trust that I won't tell anyone. I can see what Sam meant about being close, you all are definitely close. I'm going to assume you guys that are married are actually mates and the kids you have, aren't adopted?" He asked and I don't know why but we're shocked again.

"Wow you really do know about us. Yes your correct." Uncle Conrad answered this time.

"That is so cool! Man what I would give to be able to turn into a wolf and have a mate. The reason Sam is a lone wolf is because he told me his mate died giving birth and the baby died so he left, he couldn't handle being there anymore. He didn't want to be in the pack that reminded him of what he lost. My heart broke so bad for him. I miss him, he was my only true friend I had with all the moving around we did. I hope to see him again one day." He said and everyone was silent for a few minutes until a knock came on the door and Skylar got up and answered it.

"Hi, oh my gosh, what are you doing here?" He asked shocked and we all waited on whoever's at the door to tell him the answer to his question.

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