Guy time with Issac

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Connor POV 

"No dude, it's like this." Issac said and showed me how to work the controls for the new game system he got. We're at Skylar's dad's house in the game room. We haven't hung out in a while with everything that has happened so my mates made sure they took care of everything the pack needed so I could spend time with him. He got accepted to college out of state so he will be leaving soon, we graduated high school, with the help of daddy getting the school to let us finish our work online since we hadn't been to school with all the stuff happening. So Issac is leaving and I won't see him much, only on breaks when he can come back home.

"Alright, I think I got it!" I was happy when I was able to take down his guy I'm fighting. I don't know the name of the game, I'm just enjoying my time with my best friend. 

"Damn that was a good hit." He complimented as he died. We played a few more rounds and a few other games, spending hours playing them and I got up to get us some snacks and drinks.

"I'm gonna miss you when you leave bro." I said and he sighed softly.

"Me too, I'm going to miss all of you. My nieces and nephews will be so much bigger and the new baby will be a few months old by the time I come back. It's gonna be hard but it'll only be for four years, then I'll get a job close to home so I will be here. We can Skype and facetime, call and text anytime. It's not like we're not gonna see one another and talk." 

"I know, it's just you have been my lifeline for so many years and you're my brother. I don't know how to function without you. I just want to thank you, for everything you have done for me. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." I told him honestly and he hugged me, tightly. 

"I'm gonna miss you too bro. I'm not leaving till next week so let's wait on saying see you later till then." 

"You got it. Wanna go on a run? We haven't done that alone in a long time." 

"Yea, let's clean up down here and we'll go." We cleaned up our mess and put the games back, the controllers and turned the TV off. Once it was clean we went upstairs and Eliot, John, Joe, and Ashley were in the living room watching TV. 

"Hey thanks for letting us use the game room, we really need to get one set up at the packhouse like you have here," Issac said and they chuckled.

"Well how about you all move in here, the house is too big for just us two now that Skylar is hardly ever here and with all your babies and the four of you, it's perfect. John and I found a small house that's just right for us, you also need your privacy." Eliot said standing up.

"I don't know what to say, thank you. It's no rush to move so take your time, of course, to move out. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, we appreciate this." I said and he shook my hand and hugged me.

"It's not a problem. It's paid for so no need to worry about payments, just keep it neat and clean. If you want to add onto it, take down a wall, get a contractor for that. It's yours to do as you please." 

"Thank you. Ashley? Issac and I are going to go on a run, we'll be back soon alright? I'll let you go with me, next time sweetheart." I leaned down and kissed her cheek and she smiled up at me.

"Ok, I can't wait! I love you, Connor, I love you, Issac." She hugged us and ran off giggling as she did. We said goodbye to everyone and left, shifting and going on a long much-needed fun run.

We spent the whole night running and went back to the packhouse just before dinner time. I'm really going to miss him but he deserved this, to live his life and find his mate. Skylar’s uncle, Anthony has been looking at him and practically drooling but he passes it off as if he smells ‘good food’.

“I think Skylar’s uncle is looking at you bro.” I nudged him as we were walking to the living room and Anthony walking to the kitchen whistling, way to play cool. I laugh to myself. 

“He is pretty hot, but my wolf hasn’t recognized him as our mate so I doubt it.” He sighed and I swear it was like someone died. His whole mood shifted.

“You should ask him out, he’s a bit older but I think you guys can make it work."

“I guess you’re right but what if he has a mate back home?” It’s cute he doesn’t see the obvious glances. 

“If you don’t ask him out someone else will.” Well, that did it, he jumped over the couch chasing after Anthony and I smirk. If they aren’t true mates they can build a bond like Eric and Skylar did and Sam with Eric.

I just decided to watch a movie until a blushing Isaac came back. “How did it go?”

He grabbed a pillow that was next to him and screamed into it becoming redder. “He...ugh.”

“Let’s go on a spontaneous guy’s trip.” I look at him and he grinned. 

“S-sure.” He stuttered, still a bit embarrassed.
We packed an overnight bag and bought everything we needed on the way. I’ve never been camping before and neither has he so this should be fun. 

“How do you burn…” Isaac was laughing at me as I may be missing my eyebrows. I was making stovetop popcorn and somehow it blew up like a chemistry experiment gone bad. 

“Say, nothing bro, I feel bad enough.” I was looking at myself in my broken mirror I threw after looking at the damage. Honestly, I wanted to laugh but I also wanted to cry. At least he had a black eye to match my missing brows after the tent mishap. Note to self, don’t stand behind someone while they were working with poles. Lots of hand gestures and motions. He learned the hard way, literally. I elbowed him messing with them.

“At least you don’t look like the old Target mascot with a bullseye over the eye.” He glared at me and flipped me off. 

We spent the rest of the night messing around goofing off like little kids until we passed out.

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