Please, not this again.

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Connor POV 

I watched Skylar walk out to go check on our babies and I sighed, happy they are finally here. I can't wait to hold all three in my arms and cherish that first moment with their beautiful selves. 

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked me after I was cleaned up and changed into a clean gown.

"I'm a little tired and very sore but it was worth it. How do you feel, our family grew and it's going to be even more crazy around here with three newborns." I asked looking into the caramel colored eyes of my gorgeous mate.

"I'm thrilled and so happy you all are ok." He answered and leaned down to kiss me gently and I shut my eyes relaxing into the kiss. He sighed softly after he moved from my lips and cupped my cheek.

"I love you, get some rest. Well all be here when you wake up." He said and I nodded, drifting off to sleep, listening to him give Eric a kiss on his cheek and telling him to rest.

I was close to dreamland when suddenly the lights went out and a few seconds later they came back on. We all looked around and noticed things were the same, that was until people started running around in a panic.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" We heard Skylar roaring and he ran into our room, looking like nothing I had ever seen before.

"What's wrong?!" We all asked. 

"The babies, they were taken." Suddenly I was back to that night I was taken.

*flashback* Connor is 4 at this time and will have details of his kidnapping, not the abuse though.

"I need you to get back to the pack house, don't stop for anything and just drive no matter what. I will run alongside you as far as I can go to make sure you get there. I love you, I love you son." Daddy was panting and worried as he put me and papa in the truck, kissed us and shut the door. I watched him become his pretty wolf and I  giggled at him when he barked and the truck started moving and daddy was running beside us. I watched looking out the window and daddy wasn't beside us no more but I saw other wolves with red eyes.

"Papa the red eyed beasts are outside!" I screamed and papa looked back at me for a second and back in front of him.

"I know buddy, just be calm. We'll be ok." Papa said as he drove faster but something hit the side of the truck and we stopped.

"Daddy help there's red eyed beasts everywhere!!" I yelled in my head to daddy but I didn't feel it connect with daddy, something's wrong. 

There were a lot of banging and grown men hitting the truck from all sides, yelling at papa to open the door and to hand me to them. I don't want to go with the red eyed beasts, I want to stay with my daddy and papa. After a long time of banging and yelling papa's door was ripped open and they hit my papa! His head hit the turning wheel and his mouth was bleeding when his head hit the back of the seat, his eyes were closed!

"Papa!" I screamed out, wanting to help him. The man that hurt my papa looked at me and smiled. The mean man smiled at me. The door to my side was opened and I felt a pain in my cheek from the slap the man did to me and my lip bleed a little bit. I wiped my mouth and looked at him, I didn't cry out because I'm a big boy, I'm an Alpha. We don't show weakness to our enemies daddy always said. He ripped me from my seat and threw me over his shoulder and started running.

"No, put me down! Daddy! Papa! Help!" I fought the man but my little fists didn't do anything because he laughed at my weak attempt at escaping. 

"He can't help you now, no one can. Keri made sure of that my boy." Who is Keri? I thought and hit him again and again but he kept running, away from my family when I felt a sharp pain in my leg and my body growing weaker, closing my eyes.

I don't know how long I had been sleeping but when I woke up, I was on the floor chained to the wall and had no clothes on. I tried to lift my body up but I couldn't, the chains were too tight for any room to move. I looked around and noticed I'm in a basement, it's cold and very little light can be seen through the door. 

"Daddy?" I asked in my head but just like before, I couldn't feel a connection so I must be far away or something happened to my daddy. I feel tears in my eyes at the thought of my daddy being hurt, he is a good daddy, he takes care of me and plays with me a lot. 

"Well look who's awake." A voice said from the doorway when it opened. 

"Who are you?" I asked the lady as she walked in the room.

"You can call me Keri. Now don't you worry, I will take good care of you until I find Finian. I don't know where he is so you will do and be here for a while, get used to it, you little snot nose. You will be taken care of, trust me." I have a feeling I shouldn't trust her. She looks crazy. She laughed but it didn't seem like a nice laugh, it seemed scary to me. 

"Get comfortable Connor, I'll check on you later." 

*end of flashback*

"It was Keri, wasn't it?" I asked, my chest feeling tight and my heart pounding a mile a minute. 

"Yes, how did you know?" Skylar asked.

"She is the one responsible for my kidnapping. I just remembered it was her. She took me because she couldn't find you." 

"So you got kidnapped because of him and now our babies?! I will kill you!" Eric said and lunged off his bed to Skylar but Eric was stopped mid air and it wasn't Skylar who did it. The goddesses appeared and held Eric down, chanting and Eric started shaking for some reason. 

A few minutes later, they stopped and Eric was back to normal. We looked at them four wondering what the hell happened. 

"The reason for his behavior and treatment toward you Finian is he was under a spell. We didn't understand why he suddenly started acting like this and we discovered our sister put a spell on him and on your mates the day you changed. When they woke up not able to remember anything, she made them forget seeing her and what she did. Now Eric is his sweet loving shy self again and we will find your babies. She didn't go too far, so you three relax and Finian, follow us and we'll start looking for the babies." Oriana said and they walked out of the room. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Please forgive me!" Eric begged as he hugged Skylar. Skylar wrapped his arms around Eric and picked him up, placed him back in bed and sat beside him, pulling him closer. 

"Beautiful, there was a reason for how you were acting, there is nothing to forgive. I honestly thought it was just the pregnancy that made you that way but now we know that's not the cause. I will always love you, no matter what. We have a special connection, beautiful and nothing or no one will ever break it. We are mates for life, all four of us. I love you three so much, take care of each other and protect each other. I'm going to go bring our babies home." Skylar got off the bed, kissed each of us and walked out of the room, to hopefully soon have our babies back.

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