Life without you

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Sam POV (I'm doing another one of Sam's POV because there was a lot he missed while Skylar was gone)

I was wheeled by Sky back to the clinic and was checked on by Jaylen as soon as I got into the room. He checked my vitals and gave me more pain meds, I'm glad there are powerful meds for wolves or I'd be in a lot of pain.

"So, what has been going on with you, why are you hanging around so many wolves? Did you go looking for some after you got here since you know about us?" I teased the beauty known as my Sky and he slightly blushed and nibbled on his bottom lip, something he does that always makes my body tingle.

"Well not exactly. I arrived in town, saw a wolf as soon as I got here so I got out of my car to talk to him, and met a set of twins who turned out to be his sons. The next day I met the Alpha and his family by them coming to my house. I was going to call the twins to meet up on that Sunday but they came to the house instead on Saturday. I was wearing that neon green skirt with sweats, you know the skirt Ashley bought for me? Yea I answered the door wearing that when they came over." He chuckled and I can imagine him doing that. He loves that little girl like she was his own.

"So they helped me with the house that day and a few hours later, I met Jake's, the Alpha's son, Connor. Turns out I'm his mate but I didn't know about it until a two months later, after I found him and his other mate that I didn't know about at the time kissing, making out. I flipped out, punched them both left, and didn't talk to him all week. We worked things out and now I'm also mates with Eric and they are both carrying my pups, Eric with twins and Connor with one. Sam, are we mates? I feel the sparks when we touch so I need to hear you say if we are or not, if we are, why didn't you tell me before? I definitely would have stayed with you or had you come with me. It could have avoided everything that has happened to you." He asked and took my hand and placed it on his heart that is beating so fast.

"Yes, we're mates. I didn't tell you because you weren't of age to be on your own, away from your family. I didn't want to separate you from them no matter the pain it caused me when you left. I love you too much to hold you back and stay with a packless lone wolf who was constantly in danger. I'm just relieved that you're safe and I am here with you. The rest isn't important, what is, is that you are happy. That's all I ever wanted for you. All I will ever want for you. So pups huh, how far along are they?" I asked and an image flashed in my mind of Jared and our pup who died before she even had the chance to live.

"They both are a little over a month but Eric looks like he's about three months and Connor two. The reason they look so big is because I'm well here's a kicker for ya, apparently I'm a wolf Prince. My birth parents whom I met are the Alpha King and Queen. My older brother is next in line to be Alpha King so that makes me I guess the better term would be Alpha Prince. I just found out about this the day we found out Connor and Eric are pregnant. We didn't even have time to really let it sink in or even enjoy the wonderful news. It's been one thing after the other since. I guess seeing you in Anthony's arms was the final thing I could take because I fainted and woke up here, Jake came to tell me you were here and now here we are. That pretty much sums most of what happened up in a nutshell. Now all I need to do is wait until the morning of the night of the full moon, to awaken my powers and wolf. That's why Anthony is here, to help me with that." He said and looked at me, leaned over and kissed my cheek softly. I felt my lips curl up into a smile at the feel of his lips on me.

"Wait, did you just say you love me?" I couldn't help but laugh at his total blonde moment.

"Yes, I fell completely and utterly in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. It only has grown so deep in my soul that I can't breathe without you next to me. I didn't even feel this strongly about Jared, we weren't mates that long, we met, mated and six months later he died giving birth to our daughter but I did love him, he was a wonderful man. You have been my mate for over three years so my love for you, it's endless. When you left, I thought I would never see you again." I whispered the last part and he closed his eyes and a tear escaped so I gently brushed it with my thumb and cupped his cheek. He opened his eyes and I lost my breath at how beautiful and bright they were, they are almost as clear as water.

"Your eyes, they are, you just need to look in the mirror and see for yourself." He got off the bed and went into the bathroom and gasped loudly.

"What, what is going on with my eyes?"

"I don't know, maybe you should ask Anthony or your family. It could be a sign that your powers are starting to awaken, the full moon is in a couple days." I said when he came back into the room.

"I will but first, I want you to meet Eric, Connor is in the room next to you, things are changing for him so he needs to be here for a few days." He said and the door opened and the guy who asked Anthony who he was at the door at Skylar's place walked in.

"Beautiful, I want you to meet Sam, Sammy this is Eric." Sky took Eric's hand and had him come closer to me. He's an attractive guy, tall lean with brown hair and deep blue eyes but Sky will always be the most beautiful man alive to me.

"It's nice to meet you Sam." He said in a soft voice and Sky smiled at him.

"You as well Eric. How are you feeling? I see and hear you're pregnant." I asked the guy Eric and he blushed and hid his face in Skys chest. Sky rubbed his back and kissed his head.

"I feel fine, just tired a lot and hungry. These two sure are active little pups." He finally answered.

"My little Rayleigh was the same way." I said and Eric looked at me and came closer to me.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to her and your mate." He whispered and his eyes watered.

"Thank you, Eric. I appreciate that."

"You're welcome, do you need anything?"

"No I'm ok for now, thanks though." I said and he nodded. He's adorable.

"Beautiful why don't you go eat and rest, Connor is sleeping and there isn't anything we can do now, it's late and you have been on your feet all day so please, go eat and rest. I'll be up in a bit." Sky said to Eric and hugged him gently.

"Ok, I love you baby." Eric kissed Sky and hugged him again.

"I love you too." With that Eric walked out and Sky sat back on the bed.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"Just one thing." He looked at me slightly confused.

"Kiss me." I said softly, taking his hand and pulling him closer, making his body lay on mine and his sweet addicting lips to land perfectly on mine. He kissed me right away and I kissed back, missing the feel of how his lips felt and his sweet taste. He nibbled on my lip like he did a few times before and I opened my mouth and his tongue touched mine in a heated sensual kiss, one we hadn't shared in so long.

My wolf Blaze was howling and yipping that we had our mate back in our arms after being apart and feeling so lost and now, we're content and happy.

"I love you Skylar." I whispered when we broke the kiss.

"I love you Sam." He whispered back and laid beside me, his head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around him, finally able to hold him in my arms again.

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