Lesson time

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Skylar's wolf ^^^

Skylar's POV

Tonight's the full moon and at dawn, I will shift into my wolf. The reason for my shifting being at dawn is because my pack was created at dawn during a solar eclipse. I'm so nervous, I hate pain and accounting to the pack, the first, second and even third could be the most painful... so much for the vote of confidence guys.

Anthony came to me and offered to train me and prepare me for what's to come. He also told me our pack shifts on the morning of our 18th birthday whereas this pack shifts at 18. According to Diana and Oriana, they made our pack that way because the threat of hunters was much higher and the New Moon pack was already thriving in numbers and had the experience, or so they thought. The young wolves would perish most times on their first shift.

Anyway, I was in the middle of a clearing on my way to a sacred arena hidden deep within the woods. It scared me shitless that I had to be so far from civilization. Was I that powerful that I could cause harm to the people I've called my family. As I got to the arena I saw my birth family as well as the goddesses. I really wish I could have my mates by my side but they weren't cleared by Jaylen yet.

"Ah, Skylar, you made it." Oriana smiled as did everyone else.

"I was hesitant to be away from my mates given their state but I don't want to lose control of my powers or wolf becoming a risk to the pack or them." I inhaled catching my breath as I finished my mini panic attack.

"You'll do great, it's in your blood to be great, your wolf spirit is very ancient just like everyone else in your family." She tried to encourage me but I was still adjusting and even more so now a nervous wreck as ever.

Anthony approached me and took a hold of my shoulders looking at me. "You got this Finny, I know the struggles of the shift if not more, being the first of my kind in over a thousand years. You have the history and memories of generations within you, just be calm and let nature be your guide."

I looked at him and gave him a weak, nervous smile. "What if I can't hear our ancestors or the guides? What if..." He placed his hand over my mouth rolling his eyes but giggling.

"You really are a part of this family." What did he mean by that?

"We call it the family tic, we all get so overwhelmed that we panic and more, forgetting we have those before us to guide us if we lose ourselves." I beamed up at him, he was right, I have my mates, my dads, my birth family, and the goddesses all by my side. I got this.

"After you Finny." He stepped aside and the torches on the walls began to light as we walked deeper inside.

"Here, put these on." He tosses me an outfit that looks somewhat ceremonial and I go behind a boulder to change walking back out and hear the instant weeping of my birth parents.

"You look so handsome mac tíre beag." My mother sniffled out in pride and I stared at her confused. What did she call me?

"It means little wolf in Irish Gaelic." Anthony whispered to me.

"Before we get started you should know that our family has elemental, healing and protective magic as they come from nature and we must keep balance within the earth and not harm those who are innocent or you'll be stripped of those powers and executed." Beacon lectured.

I nod and we walk to a waterfall and behind was a cave and in it was a shrine and I was left to go inside alone. Well, this was creepy as hell.

"You must first drink from the shrine, close your eyes and calm your mind letting your body relax and let your mind drift. From there you will drift from this plain and hear the first guide's instructions." As Anthony instructed me I was no longer in the cave. I was in a forest with a rushing waterfall and in front of me stood a wolf with blue tribal markings.

"Shift!" The wolf commanded in wolf form. I gulp because I'm not supposed to shift until tomorrow at dawn, but I'm in my head, right? I can do pretty much anything.

"Step into the water and focus your breathing. Let your body feel the water with every fiber of your being." I do just that and my body felt like jello, I felt weightless, almost like I was the water itself. It felt freeing in a sense.

"Good job!" I looked down and holy shit, I was on a pillar made of water, looking at my guide. I begin to lose focus and the pillar collapses and I begin to fall so I try to center myself and at the last minute, I save myself turning my pillar into an Ice pillar.

"Well done young one, you've now learned one of several basic steps to the rest of your abilities." She praised me and my chest puffed out in pride.

"I must warn you, manipulation of water is the easiest of all natures." She pointed out as a matter of fact and I gulped. What kind of madness did I get myself into?

As I stared at my guide she began to fade with a smile on her face and I woke up in front of the shrine and everyone surrounding me and smiling.

"Congratulations Finny on learning not only your breathing technique and becoming one with the element at hand but you've made the ancestors quite proud. We knew you could do it with little effort." Anthony pats me on my back and I swear the wind literally got knocked out of me and caused me to lose my balance.

"Next up is the shadow wolf guide, he's kind of the grumpy grandpa to threaten teenagers with a shotgun if they mess with his lawn." He giggled but I wasn't laughing.

We got to a dark cave and I couldn't see a thing so I held on to the closest person I could find and ahead of me was a literal shadow wolf. He had the shape of a wolf but he just looked like a black mist-like thing with white eyes.

"Welcome to the end of days." He spoke as the ground beneath us shook with every word.

Why did he put it that way? I thought I was here to train, not die before I even see my pups or mates.

"Today I will show you the ambush technique known as Shadow Camouflage. It will allow you to be unseen in the shadows." I nod and we begin.

"Close your eyes and let us begin." I took what I learned from my first guide applying it here. I shifted and took a deep breath immersing myself in the darkness and out of it emerged a pitch-black wolf with orange eyes.

"I'm going to take away your main senses such as sight and hearing, temporarily, and I want you to become one with the darkness." I panicked and my breathing became labored.

"You need to calm down!" He roared and I gulped trying to regain my composure and breathe normally. It felt nice being alone here to think and be one with my thoughts. I opened my eyes and I felt free like I did before but this was different. I had structure here but I also felt invisible to the world.

"Finally someone with balance and structure. It's been centuries since I had someone as disciplined as you are." He smiled... he actually smiled, a genuine one at that.

"It was a great honor teaching you the ways of the shadows." He bowed and with that I was back in the physical world.

Training progressed and it was the same process, I fell into my mind's eye and met with a guide and used what I learned from the previous master. All in all, it was amazing I actually had fun.

"Don't be too quick to celebrate just yet Finny. You finished just in time for dawn to arrive..." and as he said that my bones began to break. I felt every snap as my transformation was slow and agonizing. It was the worst pain I felt in a long time. My breathing was labored and my heart rate sped up. I just about passed out from the pain that I wished I was back in my head. I tried to regain my thoughts and not lose myself and become one with my wolf spirit and letting go. Only then did it become easier, I didn't open my eyes until I was surrounded by everyone including my mates as everyone bowed or kneeled in respect. It was time I lived as the real me.

Credit for this chapter goes to LaVel063, such a wonderul chapter he wrote don't you think?

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