By The Power of the New Moon

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Pregnant Connor up top!!

Connor POV 

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was my belly and noticed it is definitely not small as it was so something had to have happened with the ritual because the last thing I remember is drinking the blood. I also noticed my skin is slightly glowing. I wasn't in the clinic or hooked up to any machines. I look to my right and see my three beautiful mates all crying, standing still as possible like they are afraid to move.

"Are you all alright?" I asked, a little worried as to why they weren't moving. Eric was the first to move and he waddled as fast as he could to my bed and that's when I noticed his belly was triple in size than before. 

He wrapped his arms around me and sobbed into my neck, holding me tightly.

"Three weeks, almost four, we had to wonder and worry about you. After the ritual was finished you fainted and fell into a coma. We didn't know why and I had been trying everything I could to find a way to wake you. Something went wrong with the ritual but the most important thing is my love, you are healthy. It worked. You and our daughter are fine." Skylar said as he and Sam sat on the bed on either side of me. 

"Daughter? We're having a girl?" I asked and he nodded with tears falling from his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, and another daughter and a son Eric is carrying. All of you are fine, healthy and safe." Sam answered as he took my hand and kissed it gently.

"I'm happy it worked and were all ok but darlin', you look like you hadn't slept in weeks." Skylar had big bags under his eyes, his muscles were a little smaller and he lost some of his color.

"That's because he hasn't." Eric simply says glaring at Skylar. 

"Why not?" I asked my darlin', Skylar. 

"Are you really asking me why? I was trying to save you, my love. Now that you're awake and healthy, I'll be just fine." 

"If you look like that because of worrying about me, I'm sorry. You may be an Alpha Prince but you aren't invincible no matter how many powers you have. You still need to rest and take care of yourself." I said and again, Eric glared at Skylar.

"What is up with you and glaring at him?" I asked Eric looking down into his eyes as he was still laying on my chest.

"Why don't you ask him and Sam?" 

"What are you talking about, what did we do?" Skylar asked, sounding a little offended. 

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He snapped and we all raised our eyebrows at him. 

"If he needed rest as you say then he shouldn't have been fucking Sam for hours!" 

"I love you Eric but your attitude towards me since I changed has got to stop. I don't know what is wrong with you but I won't be on the receiving end of your harsh words and looks anymore, these past few weeks are enough. My love, I'm happy you're ok and awake, but I need to get out of here for a bit. Mindlink me for anything you need, alright? I love you three." Skylar walked out and Sam shook his head in disappointment and sighed. 

"I have noticed that too Eric, what did he do that was so wrong? He did what he needed to save Connor. Yes, we did mate for hours but he also did try to spend time alone with you, to take you out to spend time together alone and I'm sure to mate but you wouldn't give him the time of day. He has three mates, Eric, he is only one person so he has to divide his time between us, nothing we can do to change that unless he or we rejects another. I understand you're pregnant but you cross the line a lot lately with him and he doesn't deserve it." Sam said and Eric looked pissed off.

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