Finally I found you

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Sam up top!

Unknown POV

Eighteen years, that’s how long he’s been missing. His parents have been distraught. I haven’t seen them since I grew into my own powers. My family has been on the run. I was on my way to the New Moon’s Packhouse but the universe has a way of screwing things up. I was minding my own business as per usual but no… I had to help an injured wolf. His scent seemed familiar and then it hit me. He was from my old pack.  

“Can you shift?” I looked down at the mauled and mangled wolf before me. Damn hunters are ruthless. He looks like a carcass left for the scavengers to find. I couldn’t wait, I had to help him. No wolf left behind or forgotten is the motto I live by. I picked him up and carried him continuing my journey on foot. 

Not a second later I heard my phone ring and it was her… “I’m on my way, I have company.” and with that, I hung up. 

I can’t wait to see everyone. I wonder how much the little ones have grown. I have other reasons to be excited but I can’t put a claw on it.

My wolf and other halves are going stir-crazy. I began to get antsy more than usual so I decided to play music and dance as I walked. People would probably laugh at my antics but I really don’t give a shit, it’s a good day today. 

“Can you not move so much, I’m in pain here.” I heard in my head and looked at the wolf glaring at me and just shrugged it off and started singing somewhat off-key and voice cracking. 

I’ve been walking for about half an hour before I heard a gun cock and I dodged it and shifted into my wolf form accidentally dropping the injured wolf slamming my front paw down and creating a crack in the ground followed by a fading scream.

The satisfying screams of my enemies is how I loved it. I picked up my fellow pack member again and continued my journey. Being part angel I could just fly but I enjoy the silence with the sounds of nature every now and then. 

“Something doesn’t feel right…” I groaned at my Angel’s constant worrying, She… yes, I said she has the ability to sense a presence miles away. 

“It's fine, Amaris. Even if the hunters caught up to us I left them a parting gift."  My vampire half laughed like the sadistic asshole he is. He gets off on torturing and decapitating his enemies digit by digit, limb from limb. He’s the reason I avoid dating or rejection as a whole. My last ex was the last to witness his wrath. 

“You need to learn balance in nature is the key to maintaining our humanity.” God, there goes my warlock half being all philosophical like he’s Gandhi or something. 

I block them all out and make it to the state border.  

I look down at the injured wolf in my arms as he whimpers and whines in pain, I want to help the poor wolf but I can't stop, not when I'm close to finding him.

The sun is close to setting so it's going to be dark and cold as fall is here so I need to get there, the walk, in nature, is nice but I don't think this poor wolf will last much longer so I transform into my angel and hold the wolf close to my body, crouch down and flap my wings and shoot into the sky toward the direction of the pack. 

I land in the forest and I don't sense him anywhere in this area which is odd since I know he moved here and has mates so he has to be here, somewhere.

The wolf whimpers again and I gently put him down and go look for something to give him to at least take a few sips of water. I find a small creekside and luck is on my side because there is a small bowl on the bank of it. I pick it up and place it in the water and walk back over to the wolf and place it in front of him. He barely can lift his head so I gently place my hands at the back of his neck and lift his head and I move the bowl closer under his chin, scooping some water in my hand so I can at least get his mouth wet. Hopefully, it helps and he tries to drink on his own but he can't, he huffs and whines, dropping his head into the bowl and getting his head wet. 

"Alright buddy, alright. How about we go and see if I can't find the person I'm looking for? Don't worry, I'm not leaving you here." I said and gently rubbed his head and he looked up at me with his big dark brown eyes. I picked him back up and followed the path I know is to this house he lives in. 

As I'm walking, I get hit with the scent of him out of the blue, it's very strong smelling meaning I'm close to finding him. His scent is very calming, caramel and lavender but it's mixed with fresh spring rain and cut grass and another of honeysuckle with a hint of rose, the combination is weird sounding but smells amazing together. I come upon a big house and see the lights turned on and I make my way to the door, trying to reach up and knock on it the best I can with the wolf in my arms. I wait a few seconds and the door opens, revealing him, finally, I found him after all this time. 

"SAM?!" He yells out and falls to the ground, in the doorway and I look down at him and back up and see lots of people looking at me and three men one of whom I know and a woman I also know at his sides, seeing if he's ok. 

"Who are you?" One guy asked, he looked young and from his scent, I can tell he's one of his mates.

Someone takes the wolf from my arms and rushes out of the house and into the forest, in the direction of the packhouse.

"I'm Anthony." 

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