He's not so bad

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Skylar POV

*sighs and gazes at the picture ^^^ there*

The past couple weeks since our talk in the hall at school, Eric and I have hung out much to my annoyance but honestly, he isn't that bad. In fact he's quite fun to be around once he opens up and is comfortable around someone new, i.e. me. We even text a lot when were not together and I even text him first. When I went up to him in school I didn't expect much of a reaction and that's fine, I was just being honest with him and wanted him to know how I felt. He and I had an understanding and it was that we will for Connor get along but now, it's more than that. When I'm at the pack house, Eric and I spend a lot of time alone together and I really like it. Connor is busy a lot with learning pack business, he is supposed to be going to Alpha camp after we graduate but with what happened to him, they aren't making him go and risking him lashing out and hurting himself or others so when he's home he is with his dads so that leaves Eric and I to be alone, a lot. He sits close to me and makes sure his leg brushes against mine or our arms are touching and he even has been inching his hand closer to mine, on my leg at times. I think he is just so adorable with his big deep blue eyes and cute smile, he is handsome.

Were in Connor's room on his bed watching a movie but I'm not really watching it with thoughts of why I feel like I want to be with Eric in the way I do with Connor. I'm not sure if we're mates since the sparks really aren't that strong but I feel them once in a while when he does touch me and it feels nice.

"Skylar?" Eric's soft voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look over at him looking at me.

"Yea?" I asked and sat up on my elbows.

"These past two weeks have been great, I like spending time with you and I like you, I am just wondering if it's just me or is there something between us?" He asked shyly and bit his bottom lip gently causing my cock to twitch for some reason. I pulled his lip from his teeth gently and he looked up at me with so much lust in his eyes that I felt myself moving without realizing it and attached my lips to his in a slow soft kiss. His lips felt like silk against my own.

He slowly moved his hand up and put it on my shoulder and I put mine on the back of his neck and deepened the kiss, guiding him on my body and we laid back, him on top of me kissing me with so much need and passion I got hard in no time.

I move my hands to his hips to stop him when he starts to move against me because I don't want to keep going, not without Connor and I know Connor isn't ready. Eric groaned and stopped moving but kept kissing me.

He willingly opened his mouth and I explored every single inch of his sweet taste as he did the same but quickly letting me take over. I'm not used to be the dominant one but his wolf is submissive even if his body isn't. I flip us over so he's under me and he moans suddenly and arched his back and his skin is turning red and he is sweating. I quickly get off him because I have no idea what is wrong.

"Eric, what's happening, why are you sweating so much and all red?!" I asked in a panic when he starts whimpering and takes his shirt off and his pants, leaving him in his briefs that are now soaked in the back and his dick is hard. I run out of the room and yell for help. Jake runs down the hall with Sawyer and Jayden and Jaylen. They all stop at the door and take a deep breath.

"He's in heat, since he met his mate and they haven't mated yet, his body is letting them know it's time but Connor isn't ready for this so you need to go so we can help him." Jake said and tried to get me to leave but for some reason I didn't want to.

"No! I am not leaving him like this! What can I do?" I asked pushing away from Jake and going to the bed and taking Eric's hand and rubbing his cheek. He seems to calm down some.

"You can't help him, only his mate can." Jayden said and Eric sits up and looks at them.

"We are starting to become mates on our own so yes, he can help but we won't without Connor being in here at least so please, get him!" Eric demanded and fell back onto the bed whimpering loudly and trying to get some relief. They all walk out.

Eric grabs my hand and places it on his now naked body on his long thin shaft and I do what I know he wants, I move my hand up and down slowly. I take my time because I want Connor here and so does Eric. A few minutes later Connor walks in and shuts the door and locks it and looks at us like he is about to get sick and I feel horrible that this is being forced on him.

"Baby you don't have to do anything, I can help him, we first wanted you in here and I want to make sure you're ok with this. I know I said I wanted all three of us here when this happened when you were ready but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Eric is in heat and he's in pain so, what do you want me to do?" I asked looking into his eyes. He takes a deep breath taking his shirt off and looking in to my eyes he says...

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