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Skylar POV 

Twenty three years ago, my life changed. I moved to a small town, met a set of twins, their family and they came to my house and have been in my life ever since. I discovered I am an Alpha Prince from a long line of powerful goddesses and wolves, giving me unimaginable powers that saved my life and my families lives over the years. It has been a crazy, hard life but, I wouldn't change it for the world.

My babies, my beautiful children have grown into wonderful young adults. Bree went off to college to study to become a lawyer, she got her smarts from someone else because she is a damned genius. Blair went to travel for a year before she went to culinary school, Danny had taught her so much as she grew up and she developed a passion for cooking. Brayan went to Alpha camp, he took over the pack when I stepped down, he needed to have the extra training. I have taught him all I knew and so has Jake but camp helped him mature and form bonds with other Alpha's and to make alliances with them. The younger twins, Rayleigh, yes we named her after Sam's late mates and his daughter, it seemed like the right thing to do. Our Rayleigh will never replace her of course but, he wanted to honor her memory. Her sister's name is Kyleigh and they are both the perfect combination of Sam and I. Long dark brown hair and grey eyes, both beautiful girls. 

Now here is something that we did not think was even possible, that night Sam and I both took Eric at once, somehow we both were able to get him pregnant, with our DNA mixing so we're both the biological father of Jaxon, he is a spitfire. He has so much energy and loves life. Hel makes an awesome Beta, he keeps Brayan on his toes that's for sure. They are doing a wonderful job in running the pack.

My birth parents have been an active presence in our lives since they retired, making my brother Alpha of the pack so he took over so they moved out here, which I'm grateful for. They missed so many years of my life and now, it seems like we were never apart. 

I miss my babies but they'll be back along with Issac. I'm not so sure about Collen though. He left as soon as he graduated high school to go to college to become an architect and he only came home three times since he left. He does call and we see him on Skype but we miss him. 

He has a wonderful boyfriend who treats Collen like he's a king, they are so happy and in love. Collen hasn't met his mate yet so I think he formed a bond with Xavier because he looks and acts so happy, just like the mated couples do. As long as my brother-in-law is happy, I'm happy. I formed a bond with Eric and it is as strong as a true mate bond, same with him and Sam so I have no issue with him doing that with Xavier. The man is wonderful, if Collens wolf was active I'm sure he would accept Xavier as their mate. I guess we'll see what the future holds for them two. 

Keri, that bitch was found guilty on so many haniess crimes and was executed without a long trial, the goddesses, king and queen all came together and made the hard choice to kill her. My mother saw her future and if she wasn't captured or escaped, she would have succeeded in killing me and my family so they did what they thought was best. Since she is no longer a threat to our lives, things have been great. There haven't been any attacks on the pack and we have actually grown in numbers over the years with smaller packs wanting to join ours, lone wolves and even rogues who weren't feral joined. We had to extend the pack house to fit everyone though so that took a little time but in the end, we were stronger.

My mates and I moved out of the pack house and into my dad's house when the kids were young. I'm so glad we did, it is nice living with just my mates and children. It's more peaceful and we have a lot more privacy and room to ourselves. 

I wanted more kids but my mates threatened to well it was graphic of what they were going to do to me if they got pregnant because we were getting older and they wanted to enjoy the kids without worrying about being pregnant or have a new baby so they all three have been getting a shot every six months to prevent getting pregnant. We're not that old and our kids are grown, I guess I just have empty nest syndrome and want to fill the house with their laughs and giggles again. I miss it. 

"Hey darlin', what are you doing?" Connor asked sitting beside me on the porch swing. 

"Just thinking about our life, our kids." I laid my head on his shoulder and he scratched my head, it feels good when he does that.

"Mm I know the feeling. We have a great life, amazing kids and a big family. We're blessed." 

"That we are." Sam said and he walked out of the backdoor with Eric, both had food with them. 

"Dining outside tonight?" I asked and they nodded so Connor and I went to help them set the table. 

"What do you all want to do this weekend?" Eric asked and then my phone rang. I answered it and I couldn't help the smile as I heard Collen's voice.

"Hey, I was just thinking about you. How are you and Xavier doing?" I put my phone on speaker so we all could hear him and talk to him.

"Well, I'm coming home with some very special news, I'm engaged!" 

This is it, the ending of Can You Save Me? I can't believe it's over but don't worry, we'll see these amazing men again in Save Me From Myself!

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