Healing and history

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Connor’s POV

“Rise and Shine boys,”  Someone said in a sing-song voice opening the blinds. I got up to stretch but was trapped under my mates. 

“We have quite an eventful day,” another woman says bringing us our outfits. I’ve never seen her before. She was just as beautiful as the other women who stood before my mates and I. She was wearing a  Sun Light Yellow Ombre Dress and had golden-brown eyes.

Someone taps me on my shoulder and Eric blushes whispering that we’re all still naked and we all dash to the bathroom getting dressed. 

“Boys this is our sister, Eliana,” Oriana says smiling with pride and we say hi.

“The three of us have agreed to take you three on a tour of the town.” Eliana beams. We all followed them out of the room and we were off. 

We first stop at the first diner we see to get some breakfast since we haven't eaten since yesterday morning and Skylar voiced his thoughts on us needing to eat more often. When we enter the diner everyone looks over at us and Eric hides behind us like the shy mate he is. Skylar takes his hand and a couple of minutes later we get seated at a table and handed menus. 

As we're looking through them, I glance around the place and notice everyone is still looking at us.

"Why are they all looking at us?" I asked Diana as she was sitting in front of me.

"Well you all are new to town and we don't get many new visitors all the way out here so they are just taking notice. No need to be worried about anyone in town." She replied and I nod, looking back to my menu. A waiter comes and takes our orders and we chat while waiting on our food. 

After we finished breakfast we left after paying and leaving a nice tip and we headed out. Eric takes mine and Skylar's hands walking in between us, looking around town in wonder. It's really adorable seeing him be so carefree given our situation. 

"It's beautiful here." He said and giggled when Eliana looked back at him and winked as she smiled at him.

"I always thought this was one of the hidden gems in the world. It's untouched by mankind and the people here, all different types of creatures live in peace and harmony. Not one creature is treated unkindly and they help one another. Seeing them brings so much joy to us." Oriana said and after she said that, I noticed a beast-man, he had a beautiful purple skin color that looked like it was painted with glitter. He was with a tiny elf holding hands walking on the other side of the street, the beast-man carrying a very small baby I think, I can't really see with the blanket around it. He must have felt my stare because he looked over and gave a curt nod and I nodded back with a small wave. 

"That is Jax and Seth, one of the many mated couples. Different species who are mated and were shunned out of their packs, covens, homes come here for safety and protection, just for being mated to someone different. It's sad honestly how they got treated for something they can't control. It infuriates me how they can be so close-minded." Oriana stated, looking at us.

“Wait, hold the phone." Everyone turns to Skylar 

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Eric asked with worry in his eye. 

“How do three humans know about supernaturals? The only reason I know about supernaturals is the fact I’m friends with werewolves and mated to two others.” Come to think of it, he was right. Something doesn’t feel right.  

"Well, the thing is, we know about them because we created them and made certain creatures to be more powerful so they can protect those who need it. Such as an Alpha werewolf, he is to protect his pack and put his life above all others. We came here Skylar, to help you get the answers you are seeking. To guide you toward your destination in finding out who you are. Your family has been looking for you since the moment you were taken. You are actually really close to them here. Let me properly introduce myself and my sisters. I am Oriana, Goddess of Dawn, and these are my sisters Eliana and Diana the sun and moon goddesses.” 

"You met my father," I said shocked looking at Diana learning the news that we are in front of three goddesses. She looks at me and smiles and places her hand on my cheek. 

I feel myself relaxing instantly and I close my eyes without doing it myself and I open them but when I do, I'm not in the town. I see the boulder that has my father's plaque and see a figure standing there, looking at it. I feel my body moving toward the figure and it turns around and I feel tears fill my eyes immediately and I feel big strong arms around me, holding me close. 

"Oh, my beautiful baby boy." He said softly in my ear. I felt water on the side of my neck and I know he was crying just like I was.

"I miss you, I wish I could have you in my life. I'm such a mess dad, I am trying to be better for myself, for daddy, for the family but I don't think I can. I may put up a strong front for them but I can't do it much longer. I need you." I said and he squeezed me gently and lifted his head and looked at me. I look like him in a way, I see I have a hint of his eye color and the same smile and dimples. 

"You have grown into a fine young man Connor. I have watched you from here, I have seen every struggle, every fight with your daddy, every tear you cried and every nightmare and terror. I also have seen you become better since you met Skylar and even better when Eric came into your life. I know it wasn't easy, I was there with you when you were taken, fighting to find a way to get back to you so I can get you home. I wanted to break through the realm and kill the mother fuckers who hurt my boy. I begged to be brought back just for five minutes so I can do just that and save you but I couldn't. I have cried every minute of every day when you were there and even more when your uncle found you and brought you home. I was relieved that Alpha Theo had discovered you were there and made contact because I was going crazy not being able to help you. I want you to promise me that you will take care of yourself first when you need it. I hurt your daddy one too many times and I know he loved me but I didn't deserve it and I know you feel the same way but son, you do. Take care of my sons-in-law and your babies on the way. I am proud of the man you are becoming and I will always, always be by your side except when you are doing the deed with them." He chuckled and I shook my head.

"I will, I promise. I love you, dad, so very much. I'm happy I was given this chance to see you, to talk to you, to hug you. It's all I ever wanted to be able to do since I could remember." 

"I love you too, son, I'll see you again one day, you can count on it. Remember though I'll always be beside you, waiting for those babies and watching over you in all you do." He hugged me again and kissed my cheek and next thing I know, I'm back in the town and Skylar was tapping my face yelling my name.

"I'm ok. Thank you, Diana, thank you so much." I said and she smiled and took my hand.

"It was the least I could do. Your family had been through enough so I thought it was time something wonderful happened for you Connor, besides having a child." 

"What happened, what did she do?" Eric asked. I explained to them what happened and Eric had tears falling and Skylar looked pained.

"Are you ok darlin’?" I asked when he looked away from us.

"Mm yes, just thinking about what happened to my birth parents. I'm happy you finally got to meet your father and talk to him, I know how much that has been weighing on you. Was he how you thought he would be?"

"No, he was a lot better. I look a little like him and just being in his arms, it felt nice. He told me to take care of myself more and that he's always watching and will always be watching me." He smiled and kissed me softly.

"I'm glad. We should get going, it's starting to get a little cold and you both don't have a jacket with you so I don't want you getting cold." 

"Darlin, we'll find the answers you’re looking for, I know it will take time but we will." 

"I know my love, come on beautiful get your cute butt up here with us." Skylar said grabbing my hand and holding his other one out for Eric to grab and we started walking again, behind the three goddesses exploring the town and learning more of its history and who lives here.

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