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Marcus up top

Skylar POV

I open the door shocked at Sam's friend he told me about standing there with blood all over his shirt, hands and arms.

"Marcus, what the hell happened?! Help!" I screamed as he collapsed into me. I heard everyone getting up and running toward the door along with Rosco who is sniffing Marcus.

Jaylen rushes to pick his naked body up and carries him to the couch.

"I need towels lots of them, also water, bandages, alcohol and scissors, now!" Jaylen ordered and people went off to find the items.

"Marcus, what happened to you, where's Sam?" I asked kneeling next to him.

"I c..came here see you and to s....see if you had heard from him, since you l...left he disappeared and I went to h...his cabin and saw y...your address on the t...table and took a chance to see i...if he was here." He stuttered out through chattered teeth.

"No I haven't seen him since I left. I left my address in case he decided to leave the state and start over here. What happened to you though, why are you hurt Marcus?" I asked worried.

"Rogues." He coughed out and next thing I know his body is shaking and his eyes are rolling at the back of his head.

"Please help him!" I cried out and took his hand in mine and held on as Jaylen worked on him. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders to help me stand and I turned around and hugged Jake and cried into his chest. I may not know Marcus as well as Sam but he is a good guy and he looked out for Sam so I need to make sure he's ok.

I am seated on the chair and Jake gets on his knees in front of me and wipes my tears away and looks at me.

"He will be fine, Jaylen will take care of him, I need you to focus and listen to me. We will find Sam, Marcus is safe now and he will heal. Now do you think Sam would have left and come to find you?" He asked calmly and I slowly nodded.

"I believe so. He didn't want me to leave. He begged me to stay there with him since he had no one. I felt horrible for having to leave him, I felt I left him like his mate did, heart broken. He was already lost and I added to his heartbreak." I sobbed again at that thought.

"Were you involved with him?" He asked softly and I nodded again. He sighs and nods.

"Alright. I'll send out my best trackers to find him. Do you have anything that was his, a shirt, a jacket, anything that will have his scent on it?" He asked and I got up and went to my room to my closet and got out his favorite hoodie he gave me the day I left. I inhaled into it and closed my eyes and tears poured out of my eyes.

Sam and I were together for three years, he was my first everything and I was so in love with him that it killed me when I had to leave, like part of my soul stayed behind with Sam. I went back downstairs and Connor took the hoodie and sniffed it his eyes changing colors quickly as he did and handed it to Jake. It got passed around and Jake tucked it under his arm after everyone took his scent in.

"We're going to take Marcus to the pack house and get him to the clinic so he can get proper medication and treatment. I will also have the trackers look for Sam right away. I promise we will find him. Give me your phone number so we can keep you up to date on Marcus and Sam. It's late and I can see you are tired so go take a bath, relax and get some sleep alright? I will contact you as soon as I know something, I promise." Jake assured me and I nodded and he gave me a hug. I hugged him back and everyone said goodbye and they all left, Jaylen carrying Marcus out behind everyone besides Connor.

"Are you going to be ok on your own?" He asked me softly looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Yea, I'll be fine. Just shaken up at Marcus's state and worried about Sam. What if something happened to him? He is alone Connor and I left him. I left him when he needed me the most."

"Hey I'm sure he understood why you had to go, don't blame yourself. We will find him, I promise." He said and softly touched my cheek and I felt sparks where he touched me, just like when Sam would touch me.

"Thank you for saying that and for helping some wolf you don't know. You all are amazing." I said and he smiled.

"It's what my family does best. I should get going. I'll get your number from my dad and text you later. Good night Skylar, talk to you soon." He turned and walked out the door after I nodded and smiled. I shut the door and locked it.

I went to the dining room and started to clear off the table and cleaned up the dishes and wiped everything down. When it was all clean I let Rosco out and sat on the swing outback on the porch and looked at the big bright beautiful full moon and star filled sky. The air was warm and it was a nice night.

After Rosco was done we went back inside and once the door was shut and locked I went up to my room to take a long warm relaxing bath, phone in hand as it dinged with a text from Connor.

We texted back and forth the whole time I was in the tub and for two more hours until I felt my eyes getting heavy and passed out in the middle of typing a reply to Connor.

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