My name is Finian Gallagher

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Skylar’s POV

“So are you ready to learn the truth, Skylar?” Oriana smiles at me as we take a seat at a supernatural diner.

I couldn’t contain my excitement. I finally get to learn everything. “Yes, I'm ready.”

Oriana beamed and spoke, “You may already know the basic history but what happened after was strictly left to us gods and goddesses to know. Your birth name is Finian Gallagher and you're the heir to the Solar Eclipse Pack in North Carolina. Your parents Ryleigh and Beacan are descendants of mine and Diana’s children making them alpha king and queen so your wolf is extremely powerful, so much so you could have similar powers to our own.”

“I could be as powerful as our creators?” I was in disbelief.

“That is correct,” She smiled sweetly at me.

“When you were just a month old you were taken by an organization of hunters and rescued a month later. Our sister Keriana was responsible for your kidnapping. She fears you’ll be the reason for the organization’s downfall and reclaim your pack.”  

“How and why was I never returned to my birth parents? I longed for the day that I might meet them.”

“Your parents are very much alive and well. However, your father was gravely injured during the last war between hunters and supernaturals." Diana continued sadly.

“Your cousin and protector Joe ran with you as far as he could but he was ambushed and you were found by the caretaker of the orphanage you were adopted from.” 

"Joe, as in Ashley's father is my actual cousin? That means Ashley is as well. Where are my birth parents and do I have any other family?" 

"Yes, you have an older brother, his name is Declan and they are here. I also know you think Joe died last year but he is alive. He had to go into hiding and word got sent he died over seas. You also have an uncle named, Anthony. This morning before we came to your hotel room, we made a trip to them to tell them you were here looking for answers and they came back here with us, to meet you."

All this information is giving me a slight headache. I rub my temples and sigh looking at my mates and they both nod and give me a smile. That's all I needed to keep going.

"Alright but I want to get my mates back to the hotel and have them rest. I also need to call my parents to talk to them about this. I feel it won't be right to meet them without the people who I see as parents. If it were me in their position, I would want the same respect. They raised me and took care of me, gave me a good life so I want to be home with them or them here before I meet my birth family." 

"We can have them here in a jiffy!" Diana giggles and snaps her fingers and disappears into thin air.

"She has wild ideas all the time, don't mind her. I understand prince Finian, yes don't look like a fish out of water, it's not attractive so close your mouth. Your parents are the Alpha King and Queen of werewolves and your older brother is the next in line for king and you are a wolf prince."

"So daddy heard right, that story he heard is about you," Connor said looking at me and touched my cheek and I leaned into his soft touch, loving the feel of the sparks that tingle from his touch on my cheek. 

"When I get ahold of my parents, I'll let you know so I need a way to contact you because I need to get some air and get my mates to rest." I said and stood up and everyone else did as well.

"Just use a mind link, you are connected to us so just think of one of us and tell us when you speak to them and well arrange the meeting." Eliana said and with that, we left the diner.

When we got back to the hotel I called my dad and found out that Diana was there already talking to them about me and they will be here soon. I sigh and lay on the bed beside a sleeping Eric and Connor looks like he is ready to join Eric in dreamland. I sit up and gently kiss Eric's belly, just admiring the miracle that is growing inside him.

"Hi babies, it's your dadaí, it means dad in Irish. I can't wait to meet you and your other sibling, your papa is carrying but you stay in there as long as you can alright? I love you three so much already." I said softly as to not wake Eric. I felt Connor's hand on my arm and looked over at his sleepy face smiling at me.

"We all love you too. You are going to be an amazing dadaí just like you are an amazing mate and man." 

"You also my love, get some rest, you need it. I'll wake you before the meeting so you can get ready. I love you." I kissed him and he closed his eyes and went to sleep and I gently kissed his belly where my other precious pup is safely laying.

I got off the bed and sat in the chair next to the window overlooking the beautiful and unique town. I finally felt the weight lift off my shoulders, I finally knew who and what I was as well as where I came from. I couldn’t be happier, but I also know life will never be the same again, I was now and once again the target of Keriana’s wrath. I just hope she still has enough humanity and decency to wait until my pups are born. 

I wonder what my pups will look like, will they have my eyes, Connor's dimples, Eric's smile? It's endless on how they will look but I know they will be just as beautiful as their what, mama daddy and papa? Hmm... I wonder how Eric will feel if the pups called him mama. I think it's adorable because he is so sweet, tender, caring and gentle just like a mama is. Connor would be the overprotective daddy who hovers over them and will watch them like a hawk. Me, I'll be like Connor definitely but even worse, I was kidnapped as a baby and with my history, I'm not ever going to let my pups be out of my sight, not until this threat is handled. I guess that's something Connor and I have in common even though it isn't something to be happy about, we were both kidnapped but at least I wasn't tortured like him. I'm glad Jake ordered them to be killed because if not, I would do it myself so I know they can't hurt anyone else. I do have a few things to say to Kevin whenever I see him. I have heard Connor's thoughts on him and since he had the opportunity to meet his father, I have a few choice words for the thing that has hurt my mate all his life. 

I look over at my sleeping mates and see that Eric has moved over and is now cuddling with Connor, his leg is thrown over Connor's and his head is in between Connor's arm and side, his face under his arm. I laughed softly and got off the chair, grabbed a blanket covering them up and grabbed some clothes to go take a shower, waiting on my dad's to get here so I can get the support I need from them to meet my birth parents and family.

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