He's gorgeous

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Skylar POV (still Saturday but it's evening now)

Danny and I have been making dinner for the past fourty five minutes and he has told me about his kids and grandkids. He is a handsome man who looks so young to have grown kids let alone grandkids my age but people have kids at young ages so I'm not going to judge.

We had made a big pot of spaghetti with homemade meatballs with cheese garlic bread. Jake went grocery shopping with Sawyer and bought like half the store. The fridge freezer and the deep freezer and the cabinets are all now stocked with a lot of food and some snacks.

As I set the last plate down the doorbell goes off and I'm about to go answer when the door suddenly opens with Jayden and Alex there carrying in a dresser. I hurry and go open the door wider for them and when they enter the house, I direct them up the stairs to the room that will be Ashley's. I show them where to put it and after they set it down, in walks some of the others with more furniture and I tell them where to set it down.

As I turn around in walks a boy, man, guy person. He is young enough to be a boy but looks like a young man. He is about an inch taller than me and I'm five eight so he's about five nine, he has beautiful tan flawless skin and his eyes, they are a stunning gray and you can tell he has dimples even without smiling. He is wearing a red tank top and light blue worn looking jeans and he has some paint on his muscular arm and his chin. He is gorgeous.

He has with him a chest, painted in the same color that is on him. He and Alex put it in front of the twin bed and when they set it down, he turns to me and looks me up and down, clearly checking me out. I'm so glad I changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie after I took a shower when we were done with the house.

"Hello, I'm Connor. Jake and Sawyer's son." He said and smiled slightly at me.

"Hi, I'm Skylar, it's nice to meet you Connor." I said and I saw his smile grow a little more.

"You as well. I hope the little girl likes the chest. It was mine when I was little and I made it kid safe for her. I put slow closing hinges on it and repaired the little damage it had and painted it her favorite color." He said looking at the chest and back at me.

"That's why I was asked what her favorite color is. Thank you, that is very sweet and thoughtful of you. She will love it especially since it's her dad's eye color." I said and an image of her sweet face tearing up when she sees the chest fills my mind and I feel my heart break a little.

"Hey you ok? You seem sad suddenly. Is it something I said?" Connor asked worried and I found that to be really cute.

"No not at all, just thinking of how she will react to the chest, the color and the saying on it, 'bless this home with love and laughter' it's perfect. Her dad is still her hero. He died over seas last year so it's just been her and Liz, her mom since." I said and sat down on her bed and he sat a few inches away from me and looked down and sighed.

"My other father died in war when I was a baby. I don't know him and I wish I did. Papa has raised me since he met my dad and I love him but it isn't the same. I know how she feels, I feel the same every day." He said softly and sniffed slightly.

"I'm truly sorry, I know it doesn't hold much comfort since I'm sure you heard it a lot but I really am, I see the pain Ashley feels and the look of loss in her and Liz's eyes every time I see them and I feel it to. Joe was a wonderful man and amazing father. He was like an older brother to me, not a cousin and I miss him every day."

"Thank you. I'm also sorry for your loss. Yes it hurts that he's not here but I didn't know him to miss things about him, I just know of him and the kind of person he was and that's it, I wish I knew him of course but I can't change the past. I have a great family and I can't imagine my life without them."

"Yea they seem great. I wasn't expecting them to show up out of the blue today let alone help me with the house. They seem like such caring and kind people." I said and he nodded.

"That's my family in a nutshell. Come on, you must be starving and I know the food is done, it has been since I got here." He said and thats when I noticed we were alone in the room.

"Yea I am. Your welcome to stay for dinner, if you want that is." I offered and he stood up and we walked out of the room and went downstairs.

"Of course I'm joining, papaw made dinner, I can just tell by the smell of the sauce it was him and I never pass up his pasta dinners."

"I helped actually, he was teaching me since I will have to cook actual food when Ashely gets here. I can't have simple tv dinners or take out everyday so he offered to give me lessons." I said and we walked to the table. The head of the table was open and Jake nodded his head toward it at me and I sat down and Connor beside me.

"I just want to say thank you, all of you for being so kind and helping me with the house, getting food and things the house needed, to the things for Ashley's room. You all are nice to do that for me. Once my dad gets here later this coming week I'll have to invite you all over for a thank you dinner and I'm sure he will want to meet the nice people who helped me today."

"It isn't a problem Skylar. As Sawyer said earlier, your part of the town and we look out for our town so anything you need anytime, let us know and well do our best to make it happen." Ben said and everyone nodded.

We served ourselves and had casual conversation and laughter filled the house as I had an amazing dinner with these kind people who I feel somehow will be a big part of my life.

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