IV. The Accident

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A loud bang from the percussion shut everybody inside the gym for a millisecond before it turned into a really wild morning.

"Hi!" Meg ran to our seat with her red mini skirt and pom-poms on.

"Good luck!" Rob wished, and I as well.

"Good morning-" The person in the middle of the floor, holding the mic greets and before he could finish, students shouted their lungs out.

"Bye!" Meg yelled and waved her hand before going back to the bottom of the bleachers.

"Where's Kevin?" I ask.

"What?" Rob asked against everybody's noise.

I repeat what I said and she moved her hand to signal that she couldn't hear what I was saying so I just shrugged.

"And here goes the basketball team!" The emcee shouted her own lungs out on the mic and a speaker was 2 persons beside me.

There came out Zack together with other players in their jerseys. One of those in front of me shouted a name that caught my attention, "Red!"

The middle guy was him, the twin brother, holding the ball. A sophomore for a captain? Seriously?

"Hey." A hand touched my shoulder and there was Kevin who separated me and Rob to give himself a space to sit in between us.

"Where have you been?" His cousin asks.

"Woke up late." He simply answers before giving all his attention to the students in jerseys at the center of the court.

A couple more teams were introduced before a couple beats from the were played once again before the cheer team ran in the middle.

I couldn't see Meg so I checked where she was, and she was still in the bleachers talking to Halle.

No one seemed to notice except the two beside me who didn't bother saying a single word.

"Trouble." And there was one from Kevin.

Girls in their skirts waved their hands for a minute before everyone fell half-silent.

They start chanting and waving their pom-poms with their dance moves.

Two girls at the middle did a back handspring and everybody else were doing their part of the routine.

They threw their pom-poms before lifting. The first two-layer pyramid was done.

It hyped everybody back again as the music starts playing after their chant. There came another lifting and Meg was one of the flyers.

They were all divided into three groups to support the following flyers and Meg was in the middle of them, positioned in a split, raising her hands.

She squated and stood in the hands of the bases before they completely lift her.

"Oh no."

I heard the expression from Rob despite the cheering of the audience.

The bases positioned themselves and they threw Meg and her blonde hair up as she performed a perfect tumble in the air.

"Ohh!" It was everyone's reaction.

One of Meg's supports lost support and she, of course, fell on the floor on her back.

I followed Rob and Kevin who walked down the bleachers. When we got down, the team was already on the side.

The medical team were running from the other side of the court as we made our way through the crowd who wasn't at all helping the victim.

"Megan." Rob calls and she faces us with a blank expression.

A blank expression is always a combination of several feelings not wanting to be exposed, right?

"How bad does it hurt?" I sincerely ask and before she could've answered, another girl arrives in front of her.

The medics came and Meg smiled at us, "Looks like I can't join your dress shopping."

That was seriously her line before she was layed on the stretcher to be brought to the clinic.

The crowd started to separate ways. "Hey, where is she?" Zack ran to us.

"She was brought to the clinic." I answer.

"You wouldn't mind if we skip half of your game, right?" Rob asks him.

"No, of course. We'll win anyways." He manages to show a hint of smug before leaving us to go to his team.

Their game is about to start when we went out of the gym on our way to the clinic.

The nurse on the desk smiled at us before pointing Meg's bed, the one on the edge.

"I'm fine, seriously." Meg said before we could say a word of worry to her.

Halle surprisingly arrives in front of her bed. Meg eyes, or her whole face rather, started to change its aura.

"Why so out of control, Meggy? Smoked one of daddy's?"

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now