XLII. The Warlock

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"I was craving for blood. I couldn't control it." Kevin started. Rob went back, holding a glass of water for him.

"He told me he would help me. But in one condition." He drank the water in one gulp and he didn't talk right after so the guy who I don't really know but is insecurely attractive talked.

"In what condition?" He asked.

"I would help in finding these witches." He answered which confused me. What would he want with witches?

"Because....?" Meg asked.

I didn't know being a vampire lessened the talkativeness of a person. I'm sorry, it's not the time for jokes.

"I don't know alright! But I helped him, of course, I like him." All of us fell into silence but we're gonna be talking about that another time, "We travelled there with a private plane." He added.

"Where are the witches from? North Pole?" I really couldn't help the sarcasm.


His answer made me stiffen.

"They weren't even normal witches. I mean, when we went into their house, they had this pot. Not the drugs, literally pot with boiling water. You don't do that right?" He asked Meg and she shook her haid slowly.

"Well, they do. I don't know, they were like potions, it's like they prayed to it. It is really creepy, that made me run away from them and him." He shortened the story.

"But before I did, Stan told me what they actually are. They're warlocks."


I went home from school to see my mom inhaling her cigarette.

"Mom." I greeted and she just looked at me and waved her hand. Or maybe just raise, I don't really read actions.

"Ho ho ho." Dad arrived seconds after me and he walked inside the door holding a black briefcase.

"Let's open it, Santa." Mom said and went to him, not even kissing him. She just grabbed the case which I'm sure contains bills.... And I'm right.

She opened it and spit out her cigarette on the floor, "Where's the client from? Why were you out for a week?" She asked my dad who I got to see in the house for hours only since my childhood.

"This one's from New York, baby." He answered while I'm still standing right in front of them.

"Rich bitch." Mom responded.

"She's a vampire turned at forty. Didn't wanna look old for centuries. Easy potion, easy money." He proudly said which made me shake my head.

Finally, he noticed me, "You watch closely. This is what you're future's gonna look like." He tapped my chest with his finger.

"Money desperate, black magic-doing men?" I whisper as I make my way to my room.

I lied on the bed, visualizing a different future for me. But it wouldn't be real unless I actually change my fucking present life.

I stood up and went to my underwear drawer to pick up my $250 savings. This should be enough to start a new life right?

That night, I packed some clothes and personal files and flew to California. In that way, they wouldn't be able to track me down. I just need to get a hold of my powers.

End of flashback....

"Where's Stan now?" Sol asked and everyone stayed silent because no one knew the answer.

Would he still be away?

Would they still be far?

I certainly hope so.

"Greg was chill awhile ago. It means that his beloved son isn't home yet." Rob answered through her facts.

"But first, we gotta find out what he want with those potion-type witches slash warlocks." Halle said, totally clueless of my life. And now I feel guilty.

But not for long....

"I don't know, he gets crazier and crazier. You know, before he turned me, he asked about the family of Z- fucking shit, man." He looked at me as he realized it and now everyone's gonna find out.

"They're your family."

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