IX. The Intro

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"I go to the same school, which is one of several ones in LA which is a city in one of 50 states in the US, which is one over hundreds of countries in the world, with a witch and some vampire twins." Sol loudly processed to herself while we were on the way to her home in my almost-broken car.

"And a werewolf." I add which made her look at me.

"What about Zack, Kevin.... and Robyn, are they-"

"No." I quickly respond before going on with my story.


Halle and I were fighting and anger was evident in her face. The veins under her eyes were dark and her eyes themselves were bloody red.

We were in the back gate and no one goes there, as far as we knew, but one of our classmates saw us. She quickly ran away but Halle raced to her.

She compelled her to forget about what she saw and I walked away, letting the bitch deal with what she did.

The day after, during class, I saw that classmate again. She was looking at me but everytime I return the look, she avoided it.

This girl has many issues with her family as far as I knew. Her mom was jumping on all the rich men in LA. It made her name quite known in here, Robyn.

Many got the impression of her being her mother's daughter, flirting with every guy she saw. But I didn't think that's the case at the moment of why she's bothered with me.

"Hi." I sat beside her during the lab class and she smiled in return.

We were lab partners that day and we just went on with our experiment without talking until....

"Why bother waiting for the flame to come out. You can fire it yourself." She said.

The time she saw me and Halle, I didn't do any spell. How would she know about me? And besides-

"You were compelled to forget." I told her.

"I guess it didn't work." She said as if it was just a normal thing.

"But she doesn't know that." She added, referring to Halle. "Before I saw you arguing yesterday, I already knew about what you are and listen, it's not just you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That new guy." She pointed, "He's a witch."

My eyes grew wide in surprise.

"And how do you know about this?" I asked her.

"I just do." She smiled and shrugged.

End of flashback....

"That was the same day I approached Zack." I told Sol.

"So Zack is a witch?" She repeated.

"But I haven't seen him perform any spell before. I mean, it's not that it's a normal activity." I chuckle.

"Now that I think about it, Rob is really creepy." She looked straight at the windshield, still trying to process everything I had just said.

"Not as creepy as having a vampire for a step-brother."

And once again, she was quiet.

"That's why Stan is always with the twins." She managed to explain to herself.

"That's a really big house." I look at the view of my windshield and there stood a wide bungalow that had many green plants around it.

"Hey. You haven't seen a necklace, have you?" She asked.

I shook my head.

The first time I saw Sol on her way to the principal's office on her first day, I knew there was something about her. I tried reading her mind and I saw blank.

I told Rob about it and she suggested that she was a lycanthrope. At first, I didn't believe it. But everything Rob said was true.

It was that day I tried to do a spell on a vision of Sol, and I saw her eyes that were shining gold, unlike on normal days when they are just light brown, and her tattoos were exposed.

"How old are the twins?" She asked out of the blue.

"More than a hundred. But they haven't lived most of their years." I answered her.

"Whay do you mean?"

I just looked at her and smiled faintly, "It's not my story to tell."

She understood it and got out of the car before waving goodbye.

When the twins moved to our school, there was the same feeling I had with Sol. The feeling that wasn't normal but then I shrugged it off.

I approached Halle and we instantly became close. Until one day, I came inside her house and I saw the richest boy in our school pale as dead on the floor. It was Stan.

Then the twins saw me. Out of shock and alarm, I said the words that made the ground quake.

They explained about it, Stan transitioning, the whole history, what they are, etcetera. It got us more than closeness, knowing that it's only us that can understand each other.

But I guess, understanding isn't always the key to trust.

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