XLV. The First Battle

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"Are you okay, now?" I asked my pa. His hands are not shaking anymore, that's a good sign.

"Still no magic." He answered shortly before continuing to walk on his treadmill.

That's when it hit me. If Zack's parents are in town, then so is Stan. And where would Stan stay? Where Rob's gonna go.

I ran to my room and grabbed Rob's gift to me, the lip gloss. I poured some of it to the map. When I chanted the spell, it went to a.... shoreline?

Knowing Rob, she wouldn't randomly go to the beach.

The first person that came to my mind is Halle.

I drove to their house and I was about to open their door but she did before me.


"You answer." I said right away to Red when the phone rang.

He threw a pillow to my face while I was lying down on the couch. Well that annoyed my beauty nap.

"Let her go." Once he said those words, I immediately rose up and listened to the other line and I heard the familiar laugh. Stan.

Ugh, I can't believe I dated the monster.

"Rob." Red explained through one word after putting the phone down.

I stared at his face processing how Stan's becoming a real freak right now before realizing that he always was.

We both rushed outside but when I opened the double doors, it revealed Meg and repeated, "Robyn's in trouble."


"Ack!" I held my head when I felt a throbbing pain. And I though vampires didn't feel pain?

"What happened?" Zack asked, brows furrowed.

Sol gave me a glass of water, waiting for my answer.

That's the question I don't know the answer to. But I felt it again, and it hurts. It hurts more than that. There are flashes in my head.

"Kevin!" Sol slapped me.

That brought me back to my senses except that slap hurt for a second. Was that supposed to make me feel better?

"I-I think it's Rob. I saw her face and I don't know. But I saw waves and," She waited for my answer as I waited to remember, "Stan."


The second time Kev shouted in pain, I left Sol's house and used my powers to track where my parents are. There's no use of hiding now, is there?

I walked through the woods, as I saw meters away, Rob and Stan. Rob's held hostage. I was about to run but someone pulled my arm.

"You grew tall." It was the woman who gave birth to me. And beside her, the husband.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked them which is pointless because of their answer, "He paid."

"Time's ticking, no time for family reunion!" Stan yelled.

I looked at him, "Let her.... go." I slowed down at my words when I noticed Rob's neck with two bites. I looked at my parents and I received the....



"Let go of my friend!" Halle was in front of Stan in seconds, about to attack him but he pushed her with effortless strength.

"You have no friends." He answered her.

I ran in my speed and pushed him off of Rob before punching his face but he rose up and held my neck before putting me on the ground.

He laughed for a second and I saw his eyes in full black before I grabbed a rock and banged it to his head.

"You have no friends." I corrected before watching him close his now normal eyes and lose consciousness.

I walked away as Megan helped Rob and Halle.... widened her eyes.

That's when I heard a beautiful beast's growl and it run towards me.

Then I looked back and saw a stick approaching for my heart.


When I saw Red on the ground with Stan's hand on his neck, I was ready to turn and run but Zack pulled my hand, "Stan will weaken."

I was confused but he answered my reaction quickly, "He drank a strengthening potion and Rob's blood. He will be undefeatable for a while but... he will die."

The rock that hit his head echoed in the area.

Looks like this is his time.

I ran to Meg to help her help Rob. Her eyes are swollen from crying. She immediately hugged us and I hugged her back but then I saw Stan who was holding a thick, carved stick, I let go.

My wolf came out and I ran to Red and watched him look behind.

I ran in front of him and had my paws pushed his shoulder but before I was back on my four, I felt the stick on my back to my stomach.

All I heard were voices shouting my name and.... that was it.

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now