XI. The Le Blancs

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After a long walk from school, I finally arrive at the mansion while the sky is slowly turning darker.

And it's still a long way from the gate to the front door. I sigh before finally entering the grand doors and I catch Greg reading the daily newspaper.

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"In the hotel," was the answer I got.

On my way upstairs, Stan arrives.

He travelled a lot faster because he had a car. And no, I would never ride with him, even through the debths of languor. The last thing I want is to ride with a bloodsucking man-whore.

I went inside my room and immediately lied on the bed when I heard pinches of yelling through the thick walls. As usual, the father and son are arguing.

When I heard the door beside mine shatter, it was my cue to talk to him.

I let out a deep sigh before going inside the other room, only to find a half-naked Stan. And without a girl this time.

"Your current girlfriend's a thief." I started, crossing my arms.

He walked towards me, "You don't have to be jealous, sis."

I roll my eyes in a perfect 360 degrees, "The old incest is too ancient now, don't you think?"

He went back to his stone face before finally wearing a shirt. "Spare me the talk, will you? That's the last thing I need." He emphasized the last three words.

"But I need something back." I forced while he lied on his bed, covering his eyes with his arm.

"Just so you know, I don't care about your boys, so don't put my girls into your business." He was obviously irritated but he didn't have to go above the belt.

"And just so you know, I don't care about your girls. Your death is upon the necklace of my friend that one of your toys stole." I explained.

"I'm already dead, Robyn." He pointed out before asking, "Which friend and what necklace are you talking about?"

He sat on his bed and looked at me, waiting for my answer. So now I caught his interest.

"Sol and none of your business." I answer corresponding to his order.

He stood up and grabbed his leather jacket, "You better go out to retrieve it." I said.

"I'm not afraid of some claws." He said without looking at me and completely left me inside his room.

When I followed him out, he was gone.

I groaned in frustation. It's hard to talk to someone who doesn't understand his own situation.

I walked down the hallway to reach the phone and I called the hotel.

"Casa Le Blanc, good afternoon." The receptionist on the other line answers.

"It's Robyn. Is my mother there?" I asked.

"She left earlier this morning." The lady said.

Well, it's safe enough to assume that she's city-hopping, finding a richer man outside LA to convince into marrying her when she gets bored with Greg. I wish I can blame her for putting the whole 'mother's daughter' reputation on me.

Due to the loss of choices, I went to the garage and rode on my sedan to go to the first place in my mind that Stan would go to.

I knock on the double wooden doors, only to reveal a messy-haired Red, who obviously just rose from bed.

"I need to talk to Stan." I immediately told him.

"He's not here." He opened the door widely for me and projected a doorman's pose, letting me inside. "But I am."

"You need to talk to your bestfriend. He wouldn't listen to me." I ranted, my eyes exploring the living room that has a vase on the corner, freshly broken into pieces.

"And I don't like talking about another guy with a girl, especially at the moment." And he crashed his lips to mine.

What is it with vampires and 'at the moment'?

I'm not like their toys. I'm simply turning a frustrating day into a more exciting one.

And I never ever slept with guys.

When I say I did, I mean literally sleep. Like now, because it's late in the night and I don't have a family to go home to so why not crash in right?

I woke up and went outside the guest room to go to the bathroom.

After washing my face, I open the bathroom door and went face-to-face with the twin sister whose lips are parted right now.

Just for a little tease, "May I borrow a piece from your closet?"

"Or two." I winked.

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now