VIII. The Witch

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My brain starts working as soon as I open my eyes.

The first thing I saw was the white ceiling. Everything else that my eyes has landed on was black. From the panelled walls to the shirt of the person leaning on one of them.

"You're awake." Red's words.

I was about to get up but I couldn't because both of my hands were cuffed to the bed with thick metals and chains.

"Seriously?" It was my response to the guy who's just observing me. Then, the door opened and it revealed the sister who is showing the whole poker face at the moment.

"House insurance was not gonna be wasted for last night." She explains sarcastically and it made me copy her reaction.

I felt something missing, I look down at my neck and I found what it is, "Where's my necklace?" I asked as calmly as possible but I tried to pull my hands from the cuffs and it added tension to my line.

"Or today." She was staring directly in my eyes so I shut it for a second and my view started to get lighter.

Red walked towards me, holding a key, which I suppose is for the hand cuffs.

"You're not supposed to be turning at day." He pointed out. That's why I need the necklace but I don't no where it is.

I stood up, only to find myself wearing a camisole and a plaid pajamas?

"Where am I? And by the way, the interior sucks." I honestly tell them which got me a response of, "Would you rather we put you in a kennel house?"

I look back at Halle and I fired back, "For your age, you surely act like a child."

I referred to 16 as 'your age' but her quick suprised reaction gave me a hunch that these two are much more than that.

I freely walk myself to the door to find myself in an enormous staircase. I can see the view of the living room because of the mezzanine and even though everything's almost black, it looks so elegant.

If I won't find my necklace, it will be my biggest nightmare. I can't control my own emotions and anytime, I can turn. And why?

My name's Soleil. Because even at the risen sun, it is possible for me to turn into a werewolf. That thing is keeping me from that. And it's the last thing that my parents handed to me before they...

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Red asked me from behind while I was going down.

"Mostly the part where you almost killed me." I answer.

"You were the one who was going to bite me. And in not the way I was expecting." He defended. It's true. But I wasn't in full control last night. I was.... an animal.

And his last sentence was purely disgusting.

"So you stabbed me." I faced him and touched the side of my abdomen. It still hurts but I'm pretty sure the wound has healed overnight.

"How many of you are still out there?" He asked.

I shook my head before answering his question, "Just me."

"We know you travel in packs." Halle said as a matter of fact.

"Not me." I look down the carpet draping through the floor steps.

"You're a vampire." I finally said. It was the fact that's been bugging me since I came to my senses.

I have never encountered a vampire before in my life. They're werewolves' natural enemies. But not mine.... My enemies were other werewolves. But I guess, they all are now.

"I'm surprised Megan hasn't told you." Halle said, as if she was thinking.

"Megan?" I look at her at the mention of my friend's name. And I remember, Halle and Meg used to be bestfriends, so it's possible that Meg knew about them.

She smirked, "You don't know, do you?"

As if it was rehearsed, one of the wooden double doors opened and it revealed Meg, "What do you want?"

She looked at where the three of us were standing and her mouth literally dropped.

"You didn't tell us when you knew we needed to know." Halle started.

"I'm sorry. I must've been misinformed, are we supposed to be talking and sharing information to each other?" Meg responded which made Halle shut her mouth for a second and a half.

"You know this could be dangerous. And you didn't bother on telling us while you told your little squad about us and they shouldn't be knowing about it." Halle made her way downstairs.

"I'm sorry. What do you know that they didn't?" I interrupted, asking Meg.

"Go on. Tell her." Halle answered for her.

Tell me what?

I raise my brows, facing Meg.

"I'm a witch."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now