XXXI. The Unplanned

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I opened my eyes and saw a dark ceiling.

The whole space is dark. The only source of light is coming from the small windows around on three of the walls. The 4th wall is made of thick glass, dividing where I am and a white room.

I walked towards it and punched it with all my strength but it didn't do anything. That's when a man in a lab coat entered the white room.

It's them.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as my sight turned dark. I shut my eyes hard before opening them again.

I looked at the window and saw the moon. But full moon's supposed to be tomorrow.

"Not to kill you." He answered.

I groaned before punching the glass again.

"You should probably recharge first. You've been out for more than 24 hours." He said which surprised me. The last thing I remember is the van following me and.... what he called me.

"If you don't want to kill me, then what? You know who I am and everybody who does would kill me." I told him. I said that out loud for the first time and it made my head ache.

"We're not like everybody." He walked closer to the glass that's between me and him.

I slammed the glass in frustration. He placed his leather-covered hand on the same place of my palm so I immediately took my hand off.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered, feeling the anger inside me.

He stared right into my eyes that I feel the color changing already, "For you to get out."

My brows furrowed, "I'll make it easier for you. Grab the keys and unlock the door." I walked towards the iron door and tried to kick it but it wouldn't even budge

I sighed out loud but it sounded like a low growl and I felt my claws growing at the same time.

"Let me out!" I yelled my loudest and punched the glass once again. It made a slight crack. I stared at it before I saw another man entering the white room, panting.

The shadow of the moonlight was shining inside the room already.

And then I saw someone too fast. It was too fast, I didn't even see what he did to the two men who were inside the white room.

It stopped in front of the glass. It was Red.

He punched the glass but just like from when I did it, nothing happened at all. He punched it many times before exiting the white room. I hope, to find the key.

It took less than a minute when he came back holding a key full of blood.

He walked towards the door when I saw another man enter the white room with a gun.

I growled when he pointed it towards Red. He avoided the bullet fastly. I felt my fangs and claws growing. My sight was already dark, signing that they changed colors.

Until a bullet passed through the man's stomach.

He let go of the gun before falling to the floor, knees first.

That's when I saw the shooter. The woman who shot the man. She was holding the gun up, staring at me, "Carla."

My sight slowly turned normal. She saw it, she saw me. She saw everything. But how and why is she here?

"Soleil?" Red called me. He was standing in front of the iron door that has been opened already. I exited the empty space, not taking my eyes off of Carla.

I looked down, "Why are you here? H-how did you find me?"

"This is the building beside Julita's.... I saw him," She looked at Red, "He went inside, running. Like light."

"Do I compel her to forget everything?" Red whispered to me.

"No. You don't have to worry about me. I.... know. I know what you are."

My eyes narrowed.


"You need to rest. The house was empty for a day without you." She just ignored my question before Red spoke beside me.

"It's the full moon."

I looked at Carla, not knowing what to say or do.

"We're gonna have to talk about this later."

A Mythichaotic 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now