Part 1

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Kelly and Anna was in Molly's celebrating there engagement and that Anna had beat the cancer and got an job at med. Anna was happy and overjoyed and was enjoying the party. Kelly was but he kept on looking at Stella. He was worried she seem to be distant and not herself. Kelly always consider Stella one of his close friends if Grant her ex never came and wrecked everything then he thought they would still be together. Since then they just became best friends. He look at Anna he loved her but always felt there was something missing. He carried on dancing with Anna and decided to  check in on Stella tomorrow.

Molly closed and everyone left. Stella was walking back to her car then she felt someone come up behind her and put there hand on her shoulder Stella turn around and it was Grant 'I want your to help me I got no one please?' 'I already told you no' 'Stella baby I clean all I need is a place to stay' 'Grant I said no stop harassing me okay' 'harassing you I not I just want to stay at yours for couple of nights while I sort myself out' 'you can sort yourself in a hostel now don't contact me again' 'or what?' ' I will phone the cops and have a restraining order on you now leave' just then Grant got angry and push Stella and she fell hitting her face of the car. Stella look up and grant gave her his hand to help her up stella shouted to leave her alone and Grant ran off. Stella got into her car and drove home. As soon she got in she got an ice pack and look into mirror and saw the bruise on her head and thought great how am I going to explain it everybody at 51 now. she never wanted anyone to know that Grant is back especially that he been harassing her again. She decided to give Hailey a ring even though she never wanted 51 to get involved she knew she had to do something about it. Hailey came over took an statement and picture of her bruise. She said she going speak with him and see about putting an restraining order on him. Stella was thankful. She also ask not to mention everything to anybody Hailey agreed and told her to get her head check out.

Today they had a shift Stella was heading in to the firehouse she was dreading it as you could still see the bruise. She hasn't heard of Grant which was good. When she went to locker room gabby and Brett was there and gabby ask where she got the bruise from Stella made up some excuse she walked into the cupboard and she was fine. Gabby never believe her she decided she would speak to Kelly as he close with Stella. Gabby saw Kelly in the hallway 'hey Kelly wait up you and Anna had a good night' 'yes we did' Kelly went to walk off but Gabby stopped him 'hey have you saw Stella this morning yet?' 'No not yet why' 'well I just saw her she got a bruise on her head she said walked into a cupboard' 'but you don't believe her?' 'No I think there something going on with her she hasn't been herself lately' 'No I notice she being distant I have a word with her see if I can get anything out of her'

Kelly went in his quarters to have a think what the best approach with her. He went to the canteen and saw Stella sitting at the table he grabbed a coffee and got her a fresh one, he sat at the table with her and ask about the bruise and she said the same thing she said to Dawson and quickly got up and left. Kelly definitely knew Stella was lying he could also see she was scared of something.

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