Part 26

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'I love you I alway have I was a fool to let you go and I don't want to let you go again I want us to be together forever'

Stella look at him she never knew what to say. She was confused by it all 'what about Anna?' 'What about Anna I told  you I not with Anna anymore you don't have to worry about Anna Stella I asking you for another chance please let give us another go?' ' I'm tired can you go and let me get some sleep' 'okay just to let you know I shouldn't of let you go the first time and I should of fought for you then but this I going to carry on fighting for you.

Kelly left. Stella tried to get some rest but all she kept thinking is about what Kelly said. She was confuse by it all one minute he was all set to marry Anna and now he declaring his love for her.

The next morning Stella  had some breakfast on the table but Stella was still feeling tired and she wasn't hungry so she refuse to have breakfast then Gabby and Brett came to see her they could see something was up so they work on her to get her to talk and she eventually did.

Kelly got up he was worried he was starting to think maybe he said too much to soon telling Stella he loves her. He decided he wouldn't go to Stella today as he wanted to give Stella time to think things through plus she was still recovering and never wanted to put to pressure on Stella. He did some diy jobs around the apartment and pack up the rest of Anna things to send them back to her. Anna couldn't bear to comeback to see Kelly he could understand why Kelly knew he hurt her. Kelly couldn't keep still he even went round to matt to have soon beers and he told Matt what he said to Stella and asking for advice Matt told him to be patient and give Stella time. Just Kelly had an text from Stella saying she wants to see him.

Kelly made his way over to med Stella was sitting up waiting for him and she ask him if. He meant what he said Kelly told her again he loves her and he will never stop fighting for her.  Stella smiled and told him she was speaking to Brett and Gabby earlier and was speaking to them what you said and it made me realise talking about it to them that life to short and you should enjoy it with the person you love the most Stella look Kelly in the eyes that person I love is you Kelly smiled and ask her what she saying to be sure Stella laugh I saying I want to be with you now give me a kiss. Kelly laugh and he couldn't refuse to kiss Stella and it felt good.

Weeks was went by and eventually Stella was being discharged from med and Kelly was taking her home to his. Kelly had arrange time off from the firehouse to look after Stella also Stella agreed to move in.

One year later
Kelly and Stella was an beach they just got married plus not only that Stella was pregnant and they was also doing gender reveal by popping a balloon when it pop it came out blue revealing they was having a boy. All there friends was there celebrating. Anna was there after an while they become friends with Anna and could see how good Stella and Kelly together.

Author note
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I have started a new story call Stella fear of the past. How you enjoy reading it

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