Part 8

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Anna went to Molly's she wanted to catch Gabby she ask for an private word. Gabby took her to in the Kitchen and Gabby ask her what up 'it's Kelly I don't know if he getting cold feet about marrying me' 'why you saying that?' 'Well just that every time I mention about setting an date he puts it off like today he just said that he decide another time as he wanted to enjoy being engaged it like I feel that he don't want to marry me' 'have you spoken to him about it and told him how you feel?' 'No I'm afraid' 'why' ' I'm worry what he say ever since the accident he been worrying constantly about Stella and that. He did seem to start making plans for the wedding but then the next day after he been discharge he went to see to Stella after they start talking he cameback and don't seem interested in the wedding I don't know is there something going on with them I don't know about?' Just then Stella walked in and heard Gabby gave Stella a look and Stella ask for a private word with her and Gabby left.

'Hey Anna you got nothing to worry about there nothing going on with me and Kelly we just close friends that all he with you sometimes Kelly can be an idiot and you need to give him a kick in the right direction' 'thank you it means a lot it just that I be trying to get him to chose a date and he keep putting it off' 'do you want me to give him a push?' Anna smiled and said 'yes please' as Anna was leaving Stella turn and said 'Anna you never know we could become close friends one day to' Anna smiled and left.

The next morning Stella decided to drop in on Kelly she knew Anna was working at med. when Stella got Kelly they made jokes about each other and then Stella ask how the wedding plans going Kelly went quiet and then ask if everything okay with him and Anna Kelly looked at Stella and said everything is fine but Stella could tell Kelly was lying and gave him a look and then he admitted that everything was going to fast. Stella ask if he love Anna and he said yes he thinks he does but he still felt he was still getting to know her. Stella told him he need to talk to Anna. Kelly smiled he knew Stella was right Stella and Kelly watch hang out for the rest of the morning they started teasing and joking with each other and then Kelly ask her if she wonders what it be like if they were still together? Stella was speechless she never knew what to say and said no and he with Anna and quickly made an excuse of left.

Stella did had feelings for Kelly but knew she could never act on them while he with Anna.

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