Part 23

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'Look Anna I don't know what you talking about' 'you know damn well what I talking about' just then April came in she could hear the raise voices and told them to leave or one of them. Anna left and Kelly stayed with Stella.

When Kelly was on his own with Stella he started crying he knew Anna was right but he couldn't bring himself to admit it to her. He did love Anna but not in the same way he loved Stella. 

Matt and Gabby came to see Stella. Gabby ask Kelly has he been home yet Kelly just said no got up and said he needed some fresh air and left. Matt left Gabby with Stella and follow Kelly outside.

Matt ask Kelly what up? 'I messed up badly' 'what do you mean?' The truth is I love Stella I think I always have but been ignoring it' 'well what about Anna you supposed to be marrying her' 'I know I love Anna but I always felt there was something missing but never knew what but now I think I know what it is that Anna wasn't Stella. I love Anna but not in the same way I do Stella' 'does Stella know?' 'No I realise it the day she collapsed that why I went outside to speak to her I wanted to see if she felt the same way' 'have you told Anna this?' 'No but she work it out she ask me if I love Stella which I never answer her I dodge it and ending in arguing and April came and us to leave and Anna storm out and I stayed with Stella' 'do you want to be Stella?' 'Yes but what if she don't want to be with me' 'I guess you have find out when she wakes but if you really want to be with Stella then you got to fight for her it going to take her a long time to recover from this also you need to man up and tell Anna the truth' I will'

Matt left Kelly outside thinking and went to see Stella. Kelly know what he needed to do.

Anna was at home tidying up trying anything to keep herself occupied then Kelly walked in and ask Anna can we talk Anna agreed and sat down on the sofa.

'Look Anna I sorry for earlier and also I know I mess up big time and I hurt you which I never wanted to. You caught me off guard and I never been good with my feelings which as you know I ended up hurting you  but I going to be honest with you now. I love you and I got the most respect for you but the answer to you question earlier is yes I do love Stella' 'do you want to be with Stella?' 'After everything that happen it has made me realise yes I do want to be with her I so sorry' 'was anything a lie us?' 'No I love you but not in the same way I do with Stella' 'does Stella feels the same way about you?' 'I don't know what she feels' just then Anna took of her engagement ring off and gave it to Kelly 'I love you I hope you find happiness whether that be with Stella or whoever that maybe I think it safe to say it over between us look I going to pack up my things and got back to Springfield can you cancel the wedding and everything? Kelly took the engagement ring and told yes he would I told her he was sorry.

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