Part 15

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Gabby was round Bretts and Stella apartment and the both was helping getting Stella ready. Stella was nervous and wasn't sure if going on an date was good idea She never thought about dating someone else and she hasn't since Kelly plus she wasn't sure if she was ready. Brett and Gabby would not let her get out of going on the date and Stella gave up at the end.

Kelly and Anna pop in to Molly's they just went to watch an film and pop in to have a drink. There was some people from med in there which Anna went over to say hi. Kelly walked over to Matt and Herrmann and he order the drinks. He then ask who this Zachary guy is Matt and Herrmann said they don't know much about him but works on hazmat and he seems a nice guy. They ask him why and he said it nothing and then Anna came over and ask what nothing and Kelly just told her that Stella got a date and he don't want to see her get hurt that all.  Then he pick drinks up and told Anna let's find a table and change the subject.

Zach took Stella to a restaurant where they spent sometime getting to know each other and then they got on to telling each other funny stories from there firehouses. They had a nice walk afterwards and Zach drop Stella off  and said we have to do it again. Stella was happy with that. When she let herself in Gabby and Brett was there and they ask her loads of questions Stella told them it well and went to bed. She did had a nice time and Zach was a gentleman.

Stella was in the locker room getting ready to start shift and Kelly walked up to her and ask her how her date was. Stella was shocked as she didn't know that Kelly knew. She told he went okay and walked. She never knew why but she felt guilty that Kelly knew she went on an date with zach it was as if she felt she done something wrong for going on an date but she couldn't explain it.

Truck was out of call and then Zack came in with some flowers. Capp took the flower and said he will past them on to Stella when she back. Kelly overheard and check with Capp who it was Capp told it was Zach and then Kelly  caught up to Zach and told zach to be careful with Stella cause she been through and hard time. Zach told him he will and then ask what he meant by hard time and then Kelly told him about what happen when Stella got attacked and Zach left after that.

Shift had ended and Stella got her flowers from zach and they arrange to go to the cinema and go and have an meal afterwards that night. Stella and Zach has a good night but Zach was being a quiet with her Stella started thinking maybe this not going to work out. When zach got Stella back to her Zach told he knew about the attack Stella was taken about and ask him how he found out Zach told her Kelly but he was he was just being a good friend. And Zach told her he happy to take things slow which Stella smiled and agreed and got out the car and watch Zach go

Kelly and Anna was getting ready to have something to eat and then there was a knock on the door Kelly answer 'Stella you okay?' Stella slap Kelly she was furious 'what gives you the right to tell Zach or anyone else for that matter about the night I was attacked?' 'What you on about' your know damn well what I'm on about you told Zach about me being attacked did you?' ' that yes I was looking out for you that all' 'I don't need you to it my decision who I tell not you' 'I trying to be friend that all Stella calm down' ' don't tell me to calm down in future but out my life I never want anything to do with you again and walked out.

Kelly chase her but Stella wouldn't reply and got in her car with Kelly shouting after her.

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