Part 6

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Gabby just got off the phone to Antonio and then Stella walk in. She look rough Gabby ask her where she been. 'Out walking I tired I going to go to bed' 'me and Kelly have both been worried we know what Benny said' 'I don't want to talk about it' ' you know it not your fault Kelly really want to see you' 'No I don't want to speak to him to have him say it my fault that he got hurt' 'he don't think that believe me' 'look I going to grab my things and go back to mine thank you for letting me stay and for your help' 'stay I want you to stay' 'sorry I just need to be on my own'

Stella pack up and went back to hers. It the first time she went back since it happen. She had flashbacks to the night it happen with Kelly. She kept thinking maybe if she did more to try to help Grant let him stay it would never of happen and maybe he would still be alive. Stella did used to love him well she thought she did Grant was the one that help her get of the drugs she found it weird how it ended up the other way round. She never love him in the end she just felt sorry for him. Just then her phone started ringing it was Kelly she rejected the call. She never wanted to speak to him. She sat on the floor crying.

Gabby went to see Kelly and gave him an update. Kelly wished he could walk properly so he could go to see Stella. His physio was going well but it was going to slow for Kelly's liking. Gabby told him maybe it best to give Stella time and concentrate on walking again and on Anna. Kelly agreed.

A couple of weeks later everyone was at Molly's except for Kelly and Anna. Everyone was there having a good time. Stella was there too. Gabby couldn't help but notice she seem to be knocking them back and then some strange girl started having ago at Stella and slap her. She was blaming her for Grant death and for him taking drugs. She kept on pushing Stella the others tried getting her away and then Stella Snapped and punch her one in the face and then Stella shouted 'where was you when he was alive when he needed you his sister or your family I told you where you was nowhere to be found you left him to it you never even tried to help him get him of drugs you just left him with me. I tried loads of times to help I even arrange for him to go rehab but even that never work well at least I tried when you did do nothing so if you looking for someone to blame look at yourself' Stella walked out into the kitchen at Molly's while the rest got her to leave. Gabby walked in check if Stella was alright she said she was fine she ask who that was Stella said it was Grants sister Grace. She said as soon as Grant started getting into trouble none of his family wanted to know. Just that Anna walked she never looked happy she told them it was Kelly he moody as ever he snapping at everything I do he finding physio hard and it like he giving up trying she then said to Stella I wouldn't normally asked but can you please go to see him Kelly please he needs you.

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