Part 5

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Anna went back to Kelly and then went home. She couldn't stop thinking about what Gabby said. She always known that Kelly and Stella had a close friendship but she couldn't help but feel jealous. She decided she was going to speak to Stella and apologise to her. She also decided to try to put the jealousy behind her and to get to know Stella more and become more friends.

The next day Anna went to see Stella 'hi Stella' 'hi is Kelly okay?' 'Yes he okay I wanted to apologise for the way I treated you when Kelly was first brought into med' 'don't be he wouldn't be in hospital if it wasn't for me' 'no it not your fault you never knew that was going to happen you tried to do something about it' 'it wasn't enough though' 'look you can't be sitting here blaming yourself for Grant actions it all his fault not yours now Kelly is asking to see you will you come?' Stella thought about it and agreed.

Meanwhile over at med Benny pop in to see Kelly. They was chatting and Kelly told him what happen and Benny told you better stay away from Stella she bad news. Kelly defending Stella to his Dad but benny was still not impress and told Kelly he with Anna now and should leave Stella to sort her own problems out and left to get coffee.

On the way to the canteen Benny bump into Stella and Anna and when he realise Stella was going to see Kelly aswell he ask for a private word with Stella. Anna left to go to see Kelly. Benny told Stella this is her fault and should stop putting her problems on Kelly and she should stay away from him and she bad news. Stella left med after that.

When Benny return with coffees for all 3 of them Anna told Kelly that Stella was here and that Benny wanted a private word so Kelly ask where Stella and Benny said she had to go. Kelly could tell he was lying so ask him for the truth and Benny told him what he said. Kelly was furious and told his Dad to get out. Anna tried to calm him down but he remained grumpy so Anna left him on his own with his phone. Kelly tried to phone Stella but she wasn't answering so he phone Gabby and Gabby said she hasn't saw or heard of her but she try to find her.

Stella went for walk she needed to clear her head. She felt guilty about happen with Kelly she blame herself and thought to herself maybe Benny was right I am bad news. She care deeply for Kelly she even love him. There was an point when she wanted to get back with him but then he got with Anna so she never got the chance to tell him she loved him. It probably for the best. She been walking for hours she looked at her phone and saw loads of missed calls. She never wanted to go back to Gabby's she wanted to be on her own so she carry on walking.

The next morning Kelly phone Gabby and she told Kelly she never came back and she was going to ring Antonio to see if they can trace her phone. They was both worried for Stella.

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