Part 10

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Stella was on the floor unconscious in the alleyway luckily a women with her boyfriend was walking past spotted her and called an ambulance and took her coat off and cover her. Stella looked a right mess. The women tried to wake her but couldn't get Stella to wake up. She check if Stella was breathing she was but she was very cold.

The ambulance came and so did the police. They took her to med where Antonio show up to The doctors and nurses recognise Stella they was shock at the state Stella was in while the doctors and nurses treating Stella Antonio put an call in to Gabby.

It was very late in the night when Gabby had the phone call she took it outside the bedroom as she never wanted to wake Matt. 'Antonio what you doing phoning at this time it better be important' 'Gabby I sorry it is I got called to a scene I don't know how to say it' 'say what' 'It Stella' Antonio went quiet ' Antonio what about Stella you starting to worry me now' 'some people found her unconscious in an alleyway' 'what she okay? What happen? ' 'I don't know the doctors on treating her she at med' okay I tell the others an I'm on my way' 'Gabby she been beaten up and it looked like she been raped' 'okay I been right there' Gabby hang up she was shocked. She went to wake Matt up and told him. They both head to med they decided to hold off from telling the others yet not till they hear more. Gabby and matt saw Antonio and ask if he had an update ' 'yes she got loads bruising and some broken ribs where he punch her and she very sore up there' 'can we see her?' 'I not sure April in there go and ask her' Gabby said okay she knock and wave at April and ask if it okay for her to come in. When Gabby saw Stella she got upset. Stella started to wake up she started to panic and Gabby got to her and manage to calm her. April left Gabby alone with her. Gabby stay with her kept her company Stella was dead quiet she hardly said anything April and Natalie came in to see Natalie check her pain and said she give her something for the pain and then she had a difficult conversation with Stella they wanted to do a rape kit but Stella refuse at first eventually Gabby manage to talk her round.

Gabby pop out of the room and spoke to Matt Antonio gone to work in the case he was going comeback later for an statement from Stella. Matt ask how Stella was Gabby cried in his arms and told him she a mess.

Matt and Gabby spent the day at med Gabby mostly sat with Stella and Matt pop out to get food for them. They haven't told anyone else yet Stella was hardly talking.

The next next day Matt had shift he went to work while Gabby stayed at Med with Stella and he made some excuse for them not being in. Antonio ask Hailey been to take Stella's Statement. He thought it was best for an women to do it. Gabby was going to come by at the end of shift to tell them what happen. Stella was reluctant to tell anyone at first but Gabby talked her round.

It was end of shift and Gabby arrive Matt and her went to talk to the chief Boden afterwards Boden called everyone into the briefing room. Everybody knew something was up by there faces Gabby spoke 'this is not going to be easy to say but the reason I wasn't on shift today because I been at med with Stella?' Kelly stood up and ask is Stella okay? 'No the other night when she was walking back home she was attacked' Otis ask what you mean by attack what they did to her? ' they beat her up and Rape her' everybody was in uproar. Matt took over told them pd on the case and they doing all they can to find him. Everybody was angry and shouting and then Kelly ask if they can go to see her. Gabby look at Matt And Matt told them Stella doesn't feel ready for visitors at the moment and ask them to give her space.

Kelly got up and storm out and hit an wall on the way out. He got his things and left the firehouse. He never drove home and drove around and found a quiet spot. He was upset for Stella and angry she never deserved this. He decided he was going to be there for her no matter what but at the moment he was going to give her space like she told Gabby she wanted.

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