Part 21

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Kelly started doing cpr on Stella and Gabby help. Kelly was begging Stella to start breathing the others phone for an ambulance. They came and manage to get her breathing again. Kelly went with her. There was no way Kelly was going to let Stella be on her own. In the ambulance Kelly was crying begging and praying that Stella was going to be okay.

On the way to med Stella stopped breathing a couple of times before she got to med. when they got to med they did a quick examination and took her straight upstairs. She needed an emergency operation. She was bleeding on the brain.

Will came and spoke to Kelly and the others turn up kelly ask will what was going on and is she going to be ok will told Kelly they don't know yet if Stella will be okay at this stage she is critical she has a bleed on the brain. Will ask a couple of questions how long wasn't she breathing for and also about the bump on her head. Kelly then ask she did got check out for it stella told him she was going to. Will told him there no record of her coming in. It seems she never got her head check out. Will told them he keep them updated.

Kelly sat down with his head in his hands crying saying to himself he can't loose her. Anna tried to comfort him but Kelly push her away and snapped at her in front of everybody. Matt force Kelly to go outside for fresh air. Kelly was blaming himself he told Matt he should of made sure she got check out none of this would of happen. Matt told him he wasn't to blame as they should of made Stella get check out. They sat quietly on an bench outside. Anna came outside to see Kelly but he got up and went inside ignoring Anna.

All Kelly could think about was Stella and nobody else. It been ages since they had an update but every time they ask they got told them she still being operated on. Anna tried to get Kelly to eat something but he refuse. Anna went home after that. Eventually Will came back told Kelly and the others that Stella is out of theatre she is still critical and they doing all they can Kelly ask can they see her yes two at an time Kelly went in with Gabby. Kelly burst of crying when he saw all the machines she was hook on.  They all came in one by one Kelly wouldn't leave her side.

Everybody from 51 went home except for Kelly. They tried to get Kelly to go home but he refuse to. Anna tried to phone him a couple of times he wouldn't answer reply back to her messages. All he wanted was for Stella to be okay.

Just then while Kelly was sitting with Stella Anna came in with some breakfast and Kelly Just push it to the side. Anna tried speaking to Kelly but then the alarms started to off and they Stella started to have a fit.

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