Part 25

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'Hello there how you?' 'I'm okay just feel like I be hit by something heavy what happen?' 'I found you collapsed outside Molly's you had a bad bleed to brain you been in an coma I going to get the doc to check you out' Kelly left to find an doc. He manage to find who went it check up on Stella he went outside to let the others know.

Will came out said anything looks okay as you can expect. Kelly went to sit with her she fell back to sleep Will she probably be tired over the next couple of days. When Stella woke up she saw Kelly was still there she was about to ask him why he still here and shouldn't he be getting home to Anna but then the others from 51 came to see her and Kelly went outside. Stella could tell Kelly was acting odd like he was nervous or something.

It was getting late everybody from 51 left but Kelly came back in 'hey haven't you got an home to be going to?' Kelly smiles 'yes but I rather be here with you?'  'Well that very nice but I'm a big girl you don't have to keep me company anyway I bet Anna waiting for you it not long till you guys get married' just then she see Kelly's face change and asks him 'what up have you and Anna had a fight?' 'No just that me and Anna not together anymore' 'what do you mean what happen?' 'Nothing happen we realise well I realise but I think Anna knew to' 'knew what?' 'I realise that I don't love Anna in the way I should and we decided to end it she gone back to springfield I haven't spoke to her' 'Sorry' 'don't be I should of been honest from the start' 'honest about what?' 'I shouldn't of got in a relationship with her I led her on and made her believe that I loved her enough to get married where really I should of been fighting for you' 'what you saying?' 'I love you I alway have I was a fool to let you go  and I don't want to let you go again I want us to be together forever'

Kelly and Stella Story 2Where stories live. Discover now