Part 3

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Kelly notice that Stella left her scarf at the cafe. He tried to catch up with her but she already gone. So he decided to take it round to Stella's. He wanted to know what was wrong with Stella. She is one of his closest friends and he wanted to help her. Kelly got to Stella's he notice the door has been force open and he could hear shouting and Stella screaming at him. Kelly called the cops and then he walked in. He saw Grant waving a gun at Stella and she telling him to put the gun down. Kelly shouted at Grant but Grant still refuse to listen instead he was to busy shouting blaming Stella for his Troubles. Just then they could hear sirens which made Grant worse and shot at Stella but Kelly jump in the way and the bullet hit Kelly in the back.

Kelly fell on Stella he was unconscious. The sirens was getting louder and Grant ran off. Stella was shouting for help and trying to help Kelly as much she can. The cops came and called for a ambulance and took Kelly to med. Stella went with him.

Maggie came over and sat Stella down and got her some water. She was in shock with what happen. She ask Maggie to phone Anna and to called firehouse 51. Just then Jay and Hailey shown up and took her to a private room. Stella explain what had happen how he force his way into her place shouting all sorts and how Kelly got shot. She also mention that she thinks Grant was high that he been taking drugs again.

Hailey said they was still out looking for Grant and they going to arrange for Stella to stay the night in a hotel with a police guard. By the time Stella finish with pd and was out everyone has came and was firing loads of questions. Stella gave jay permission to tell them what had happen.

Stella sat down Gabby sat by her and ask why she never told anybody that Grant was back 'I don't know I thought I could handle it myself I thought if I got an restraining order that be it but it only made it worse' Stella started crying she felt this was all her fault. Anna then ask why Kelly went to hers 'I don't know we just been having breakfast at the cafe I left and I thought Kelly was going back home'

Anna couldn't help but feel angry she wanted to start planning for there wedding but Kelly put her off she now knew why and she couldn't help but feel jealous. Just then Will came and gave them an update 'we manage to get the bullet out of Kelly and in Recovery and he in induced coma at the moment the bullet did cause some damage it's quite possible he might have to learn to walk again or there is a chance he won't be able to walk again' Anna ask if she could see him and then Stella ask if she could see him with her Anna turn to Stella 'this is all you fault I don't want you seeing ever again' Anna then went to see him.

Stella went to get some air and sat outside. Gabby came out and tried to comfort her. Stella said it all her fault that Kelly might not be able to walk. Just then Hailey and Jay came Stella and Gabby got up and ask them if they found Grant Hailey and Jay look at each other and Hailey spoke 'yes we found him not far from you place' ' good have you arrested him?' 'No when we found him it look like he took an overdose I'm afraid Grant is dead'

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