Part 7

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Stella look at Anna said she can't and quickly left. Anna look at Gabby she shrug her shoulders 'Anna I know you worried about Kelly  but we will get through this I promise you I will get Matt to visit him tomorrow while I try again with Stella' Anna said thank you and left.

The next day Gabby went round to Stella nobody answer. she tried shouting Stella name through the letterbox and then an neighbour came out said she move out and they didn't know where. Gabby tried phoning Stella but she never answer. Gabby went to check on Med to see Kelly  Matt must of told him she went to go to see to Stella. Gabby told him she wasn't there and she try to catch her another time. Gabby also told Kelly to give her some time also him to concentrate on his recovery and suggested to use the time to plan for the wedding.

A couple of months later

Kelly was being discharge from hospital he was walking again and he was hoping to be back in the next couple of months. Him and Anna still haven't set an date for the wedding They couldn't decide. They sort of decided what they wanted. He still haven't heard of Stella but has heard she was back on shift  at firehouse 51. He decided as she wouldn't come to him he will go to her. She one of his closest friends he couldn't bear her to think that he blamed her. He was going catch her tomorrow morning when her shift was over. He hasn't told anyone what he was planning on doing. Gabby kept on saying give her time but to him she had enough time.

He got an taxi to 51  he saw Cruz and Capp leave 51  he was speaking to them when he saw Stella leave then he quickly caught with her and shouted 'Stella' she turn around 'Kelly what you doing here you meant to be resting at home' 'well I came to see you' 'why when I the reason you injured' 'No you not the reason you never made Grant go off like that you wasn't to know what Grant was going to do Stella please don't blame yourself for Grant mistakes' 'so you don't blame me?' 'No look you are one of my closest friends I don't want to lose you and I will do anything for you can we please go to have breakfast' Stella agreed and went to the cafe they chatted loads  and at the end Stella was smiling which made Kelly happy. Stella gave Kelly a lift back to his and left.

When he got back Anna could see he was happy  she ask him about setting an date for the wedding but he put her off and said Will we decide another time as they in no rush and he wanted to enjoy being engaged first. Anna said ok and said popping out she never look happy. Kelly did a lot of thinking while he was in hospital and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to get married anything felt it was to fast and realise he care a lot more for Stella then he realise he missed not seeing her and when he was with her having breakfast it made him happy like nothing else matter.

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