Part 18

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It was getting closer to the wedding Anna and Kelly both had everything arrange for it. Tonight Kelly was going on his stag night which Matt Casey arrange it as he the best man. Everything was going great. Kelly seems to be back friends with Stella. Kelly did still have his doubts about marrying Anna and he was getting nervous more so then Anna.

Matt took him and the lads from the firehouse, med and pd and couple of mates to a strip club and then  Molly's. They were all quite drunk and loud they all had a good time. Stella was working behind the bar and she even had time to have a drink with Kelly where Kelly started flirting her but Stella knew it was the drink that talking and was laughing at him and reminded him he with Anna and told him to behave himself.

It was the end of the night most of the people who was at stag went home and Kelly was still there with Cruz and Capp. All 3 was very drunk. So Stella kick them and told them to go home but she could see that Kelly was so drunk he could hardly walk so she decided to put him in a taxi and go with him to make sure he get home okay. When they was walking to the taxi Kelly started talking a load of rubbish they got in the taxi together and told the taxi driver Kelly address and then told ask the taxi to drop her off after. Just then Kelly started saying he wants Stella to stay at his Stella told him no you drunk and then Kelly went on to tell Stella that he love her and he should of never let her go. Stella ignore him and blame it on the drink. Kelly kept on trying to tell Stella he love her but Stella was having none of it and told him he loves Anna and that the girl you marrying. Kelly went on saying he don't love Anna Stella just told him you going to have a bad head in the morning and some big regrets. They got to Kelly's where Stella helped Kelly out the taxi where she ask the driver to wait while she gets him back inside his house. When Stella open the door to Kelly and walked him in Anna was working at med. Stella ask him if he going to be  okay that when Kelly tried to kissed her. Stella tried to push him off but he tried again and Stella kissed back. They started kissing more but then the taxi driver sounded his horn and then Stella pulled away and immediately felt guilty and told Kelly he with Anna and went to leave Kelly went to grab her and ask to stay the night and told her again he loves her and Stella just said no and she push him away and ran out the door.

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