Part 20

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Kelly sneak to the squad truck without nobody seeing him. He manage to call for help on the radio. Just then the shutters was coming back up and then he saw Matt rush out to close them again and Kelly notice that Ambo was coming back from an call one on the shot Casey in the shoulder. Kelly rush out to help him. In the end they both had guns so Kelly and Matt did what they said. They let Matt go off to Stella so she can check his shoulder out. Kelly was happy about that cause he knew Matt wouldn't let anything happen to Stella.

Stella was trying to do her best to treat him but she was finding it hard with the guy that was with him breathing down her neck. She saw Matt come which made her feel more comfortable Matt bandage his own shoulder while Stella treated the guy that was hurt. The guy started having trouble breathing and Stella knew she had to put an needle in his chest to help him but when she did the other guy thought she was just him and snatch it out of her hands and drag her to the locker when he threaten to hurt the people she care about then Stella slap him which got him angry so he hit back and hit her head of the lockers really hard an couple of times she fell on the floor unconscious.

The guy that knock out Stella walked past Matt and in the kitchen area and ask if there anyone else train to treat him. Then Kelly ask where Stella and he told them she out of action. This got Kelly worried about Stella. Otis volunteer and they agreed to let him phone Gabby for her to tell him what to do. Just then Herrmann fake an heart attack to try to get out so he can report to the cops what going on which worked. In the meantime Kelly ask Cruz to cover for him and sneak out the room. He had to go to find Stella.

Stella woke up with an sore head she slowly got up and then she head one then coming back for her so she tried to hid in the toilets. Just when he got to her door luckily Kelly came and started fighting him. Then guy overpowered Kelly in the showers but luckily Stella came and know him out with a gun. Stella help Kelly up and hug each other and then to sneak out. The cops came storming in arrested them. Kelly hug Stella when they was walking out and check with each other they was okay. Kelly told Stella she needs to get that bump on her head check out. Gabby took Casey to med to sort his shoulder out and the other guy that was shot to med. while the others went home to there families and they was going to meet up in Molly's later. Anna pick Kelly up. While Stella went home alone. She didn't go to Med to get check out she figured she pain killers and rest was all she needed.

They all arrived at Molly's Stella was siting at the bar with Otis and Lilly and some others while Kelly was sitting with Anna and Matt and Gabby.

Stella head was really started to hurt now everything sound loud and she couldn't see properly the light was hurting her eyes and she was feeling dizzy and sick she decided to go out for fresh air and told the others. While she was outside she was feeling worse and then she collapsed.

Kelly was sitting there thinking about the kiss he had with Stella and also what happen on shift made him realise more that he does have strong feelings for Stella. He cared for Anna and that but he was now wondering whether getting married is the right thing to do. But he decided he need to talk Stella he needed to find out if she felt the same way so he got up and made an excuse to Anna that he got to ask Stella something and went out and ask otis where Stella is he told Kelly she went outside for some fresh air and that she been gone for ages. Kelly went outside to look for her and saw her collapsed on the floor he shouted for help and ran over to her to check her. They came out and saw the panic in Kelly eyes then Kelly told them she not breathing.

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