Part 22

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Kelly called out for help and they all came running in. Kelly was panicking shouting at them to do something. Anna manage to get Kelly out the room and into the waiting room. Kelly was crying. Anna was doing her best to calm him down. Will came out and told then they taking her back up to theatre as it looks like she got another bleed. Kelly ask if she going to be okay? Will told him he can't answer that as Stella is critical he then walked out. Kelly then told Anna he needs some fresh air Anna offer to go with him but he said he wanted to be on his own.

Anna phone Gabby to let her know what going on and said they be there soon. Anna sat in the waiting room on her own looking at her engagement ring.

It been hours that Stella been in theatre all of 51 was there waiting for news. Kelly hardly was saying anything and he wouldn't eat. Matt eventually got him to eat something. Anna was still there feeling push out. Just then Will came she out of theatre we manage to stop the bleeding. She has gone into a coma. Kelly then ask when will she wake up? Will look at Kelly and he could see the pain in the eyes. There is chance that Stella might not wake up again. What do u mean? We saying at this point we don't know. She suffer massive trauma to the head she might have some damage to the brain which we won't know until she wakes. There is a chance she might be brain dead. Kelly couldn't believe what he was hearing he ask can he see her.

He sat with her the others all came aswell. Kelly sat there holding Stella hand. Kelly was talking to her one of the nurses. Anna watch from afar. She walked in to the room. She sat with him for abit. She couldn't help feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She was observing Kelly how he was with Stella and she could see it she had to ask she needed to know the truth so she ask Kelly the question.

'Do you love her?' Kelly turn around and look at Anna and ask 'what sort of a question that?' 'I ask you do you love Stella yes or no?' Kelly look at Anna and said 'what this is not the time for silly games Stella is seriously ill right now I don't need this' Anna lost her patience with him 'playing silly games what me asking you if you love Stella it an simple yes or no question' ' what do you want me to say' 'the truth I want the truth' 'Anna I don't need this rubbish right now' 'rubbish that you be letting me live a lie for months' 'what I haven't' 'yes you have I been so blind not to see it but I do now' 'see what' 'you don't love me you love Stella it always been Stella hasn't it?'

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