Part 16

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When Kelly got back to the apartment Anna ask him 'are you going to tell me what was that about?' 'It was nothing don't worry about it look I going to go out to get some fresh air' Kelly left before Anna could say anything she certainly was happy.

The next morning Anna woke up and realise that she must of fell to sleep waiting for Kelly to come back. She got up to see if he in another room he wasn't there and he hadn't been back all night she tried phoning him but it was going straight to voicemail she left him a message then went to have breakfast. She was worried and annoyed at Kelly she never knew what he was thinking.

Just then Kelly walked in and Anna ask where he been? 'I been out walking and ended up at Molly's and ended up crashing at Cruz's' 'why didn't you comeback here after?' 'Because I was drunk and I wasn't in the mood to answer a million questions from you' 'questions so Stella came round here slap you and shouts at you and you don't think I deserve an explanation?' 'Look that with Stella has nothing to do with you' 'well when she comes rounds shouting the odds at you I say it does now are you to tell me what going what going on?' 'Okay I might of well I did have an word with zach and mention about being careful with Stella and I told him what happen when she got attack' 'who is zach and why did you tell him' 'Zach he works on hazmat and he took her out for meals a couple of times I just wanted to protect her I don't want to see her get hurt I was looking out for her' 'is that all' 'yes that all' 'that all why did you feel the need to tell him about the attack?' 'I told you I was looking out for her' 'Kelly what happen to Stella is personal to her and it up to her who she tells so how well do you know this zach?' 'I don't know him that well he seems nice when I met him' 'so why did you felt the need to tell him about what happen?' 'I thought I was trying protect stella but obviously I was wrong' 'do you have feeling for Stella?' 'What where that come from?' Cause you sound like you jealous' 'no I not jealous I with you why would I be jealous me and Stella are just friends you know that I with you' Kelly kissed Anna she excepted and they hugged each other.

The next day on shift Kelly tried to apologise to Stella but she was ignoring him the only time she would was if they was on call and she needed to ask him something she was also ignoring his phone calls. Kelly was feeling bad he now regretted telling zach he never thought he would hurt Stella in the progress now he was feeling guilty. When he was in the locker room at his locker and he overheard Stella telling Brett and Gabby she not going to see zach anymore which made Kelly even more guilty he wanted to make it up to Stella but never knew how.

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