Chapter 19

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"Where are you, Lisa" Lisa's father asked impatiently through the phone.

"I'm on my way, sajangnim" Lisa replied, keeping her eyes on the road. "I'll be there in five"

Lisa ended the call and rolled her eyes. "How impatient"

After a few minutes, she arrived at the YG building.

She wasn't wearing a mask since her father told her it won't be necessary anymore.

She was about to enter the underground parking which is exclusively for artists and staff but the guards stood in front of the car.

She sighed and rolled down her window.

Of course they wouldn't recognize her, it's been years.

"Miss, authorized vehicles only. I'm afraid you will have to park somewhere else"

Lisa grabbed her wallet, and took her ID.

"Yang Lalisa, people in this building know me as producer L" She said as she handed her ID.

The guards nodded and bowed after returning her ID, realizing who she is. "Our apologies, miss, we didn't recognize you without your mask"

"It's alright" The girl chuckled as she placed her ID back in her wallet.

She rolled up her window and finally entered the building.


Lisa entered the room to see Chaeyoung, Jennie, and unluckily, her father. She bowed before taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"Welcome back, Lalisa"

Another boring hour passed with just them discussing about the project.

To Lisa's hopes, the meeting was finished.

Their boss left the room, finally, leaving the three girls.

"Welcome back, Lisa" Chaeyoung flashed Lisa her signature cheeky smile. "How was Australia?"

"Girls, are we seriously going to catch up inside the YG building. This place is a dungeon and no place for joyous meetings" Jennie rolled her eyes. "Coffee, girls?"


"How was Australia, Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked before taking a sip of coffee.

"Australia was amazing" Lisa started. ''But it's somewhere I would to go for a vacation only. I still prefer Korea and Thailand"

"What did you do there?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"Collabs and all that" Lisa chuckled. "Pretty boring actually"

"So sajangnim finally revealed you, huh?" Chaeyoung mentioned. "He even said you were 'YG's secret weapon', well, he isn't wrong at all. You deserve the recognition"

Jennie didn't listen to anything they were talking about. Instead, she was on her phone. She went on twitter, curious of what's happening in the problematic world.



She was expecting to see another fanwar. She scrolled down to see more tweets like the one she newly read.

'yo what the fuck' she thought to herself.


vote producer L for best producer on MAMA guys. she deserves it'

She hurriedly went on the MAMA voting website and looked at the nominees for best producer. She scanned the page and found what she was looking for.


As soon as she read this she screamed and clapped her hands, dropping her phone and making the two girls jump.

"JENNIE WHAT THE HELL" Chaeyoung exclaimed, putting her hand above her heart to recover from the horror she felt.

It was a good thing that they were the only ones inside that particular coffee shop.

"I'm sorry" Jennie shyly apologized the the waitress who not surprisingly, jumped out of shock as well.

"What's so shocking that made you scream like that" Lisa glared at the excited girl.

"you. got. nominated. for. best. producer. in. mnet. fucking. artist. fucking. music. awards" Jennie slowly said.

Lisa's glare dropped and was replaced with an expressionless expression.

"you're lying" she said.

"Bitch, do I look like I'm lying?" Jennie rolled her eyes. She picked her phone up and handed it to Lisa.

Chaeyoung only giggled. "Congrats, producer L"

"No fucking way" Lisa couldn't believe what she was reading.

"Oh and by the way" Jennie grabbed her phone from Lisa's hands. "Change your stage name, will you? Producer L sounds so... Not cool"


"So, Lisa will be attending Mama?" Yoongi asked no one in particular.

"If she is producer L then yes, she will be attending MAMA" Jimin replied. "Is she producer L, Kook?"

Jungkook only rolled his eyes. "And what makes you think that I know?"

"Maybe because she's your ex" Jimin rolled his eyes back, shooting the younger a deadly glare right after.

"You know, she's a keeper" Hoseok joined in the conversation. "If you don't go for her now, other boys definitely will"

"I agree. Why'd you let her go, Kook?" Taehyung added.

If that first comment didn't already annoy Jungkook, the second one definitely did.

"Look, we dated" He tore his gaze from his phone. "Lisa and I broke up years ago, okay hyungs? Lisa and I are history which I am grateful for"

"This is my sister we're talking about, Jeon Jungkook" They heard Jin's voice. He was crossing his arms, disappointment written all over his face. "Look, I know you two are history but don't start acting like she was the worse girlfriend you have ever had because I'm sure we are both aware that she was the best so far"

Jungkook was aware of that fact, he just didn't want to admit it.

"Hyung is right, Jungkook" Namjoon said, coming out of the kitchen. "You two aren't nineteen anymore, you're twenty-four already"

Jungkook sighed, "I'm sorry hyungs"

Jin came closer and messed up Jungkook's hair. "It's alright, just be more mature next time"

"You should talk Lisa" Yoongi said making Jungkook bat an eye.

"Hyung, I'm not getting back with-"

"I'm not saying you should get back with her" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I'm saying that you two could still be good friends. You left things messy and that mess isn't going go back to place by itself"

"Uhh, from experience, it's not really a good idea to stay in touch with an ex becau-" Jimin couldn't finish his sentence because of the pillow thrown at his face.

"She's Jin hyung's sister and you're going to be seeing her often. It's be awkward for all all of us" Yoongi finished explaining.

Jungkook let out a dejected sigh.

"Okay, I'll do it"

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