Chapter 25

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Their dinner went very well. Jokes were said and for once, jungkook wasn't acting like something lisa would call 'a little bitch'.

Right now, she was sitting in the living room, surrounded by five sleeping, drunk men.

Yoongi thought that it would be funny to put vodka in the fruit punch that jin had made. Not to mention, jungkook had in on it.

Luckily, lalisa didn't drink the fruit punch just because it had pineapple in it. She was glad she didn't.

"jungkook, you are so dead" lisa sighed as she massaged her temples.

"yoongi hyung did this, not me. I don't see why I would die first" jungkook defended. "plus, your brother was bragging a few days ago about how high his alcohol tolerance is"

"where is agust d anyway?" lisa irritatedly asked.

"in his room" jungkook sighed and glanced at his brand new audemars piguet. "and is probably asleep by now"

"great, now I have to take care of five grown drunk men" lisa rolled her eyes and slumped herself on the couch.

"lisayaahhh" jin took a seat beside her and hugged her arm. "you know, I really love having you he—"

Lisa looked at him disgustedly before she kicked him off the couch.

"careful tigress, you might actually bruise him" jungkook worriedly said.

"fucking hell, is this what I get for showing up here yesterday tipsy?" lisa closed her eyes and sighed. She opened her eyes and faced the worried maknae of bangtan. "he's got thick skin, he'll be fine"

"we clearly did not think this through" jungkook slumped down beside her.

"what did they do to that cranky man anyway?" lisa asked.

"I'm not sure but I heard that they left a mess in his genius lab a few days ago" jungkook said. "damn I haven't seen them this drunk in ages"

Lisa's mouth gaped in realization and she nodded.

She grabbed her phone and dialed her temporary assistant's number.

"yes, miss yang?"

"reschedule the trainee evaluations to the day after tomorrow. Something important came up" lisa ran her fingers through her brown hair stressfully.

"but miss yang, everything has—"

"it's either late evaluation or no evaluation at all. Tell the trainees to practice even more, I won't go easy on them"

With that, she ended the call and dropped her phone beside her.

"you're good at that CEO act. I see yang hyunsuk im you" jungkook complimented.

"Don't disrespect me like that or else you're taking care of these drunk kindergarteners by yourself" she stood up but not before shooting jk a glare.

Jungkook chuckled and shool his head before following her.


After what seemed to be two hours, they managed to get everybody cleaned and in bed, sleeping.

"that was tiring" lisa sighed and ran to the couch again. "not as tiring as having you as a boyfriend though"

"hey, I was a good boyfriend" jungkook sighed and took a seat beside her.

"you know how hard it was dealing with your 1 am visits?" lisa chuckled.

"I was a rising idol that time, lis" jungkook rolled his eyes. "and do people normally do this? Do they casually talk to their ex like nothing happened?"

"I don't know" lisa laughed. "it's better than glaring at you all the time. Being mean takes up a lot of energy. That must be why you never run out of energy on stage"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at her.

"would you ever get back together with me though?" jungkook suddenly asked.

Lisa choked on her own saliva, "excuse me?"

"it's a simple question"

Lisa cleared her throat, "you've been such a little bitch so no thanks, I'd rather kiss a frog"

Jungkook rolled his eyes once again and snatcged back the pillow he threw at her.

"what time is it, jungkook?" she asked, followed by a yawn.

"twelve midnight. You should get some rest, today must've been busy for you, come on" jungkook genuinely said.

"then go to your room, so I can sleep" lisa flicked her hand back and forth as a 'go away' sign.

"you seriously think I'll let you sleep on the couch?" jungkook rolled his eyes and smacked her with tge nearest pillow he could grab.

"can you stop fucking hitting—"

"wow, being abroad really gave you a potty mouth, tch" jungkook disapprovingly shook his head. "you're not sleeping on the couch"

"awe, you care?" lisa joked and laughed.

"no, your brother would skin me alive" jungkook said with a straight face, making lalisa pout.

That, that was the lalisa he knew and fell in love with. The soft little hamster lalisa.

Jungkopk rolled his eyes, "get up, don't make me drag you to my room"

Lisa's eyes widened. "I'd rather sleep on the streets"

"I'll sleep in yoongi's room, payback for the damage he's done"

"you mean the damage you both have done" lisa corrected. "I'm not sleeping in your room, jeon"

"yes, you are"

"no, I'm not"

"fine" jungkook shrugged and closed his eyes. "we're sleeping on the same couch then, to be even"

Lisa groaned, "Where the hell is your room?"


"if you need anything just text me" jungkook said before he turned his back on lisa and walked towards the door.

Before he could grab onto the door nob, a certain question stopped him.

"whaf about you? I don't want you back but if I did, would you come back?" he heard her voice say.

Lalisa had a little hope that he would say yes, and she was grasping onto that little hope even though it probably had no help at all.

"I wouldn't even think about it" she heard him quietly say before he exited the bedroom.

Lisa chuckled bitterly.

"I knew that all too well" she rolled her eyes before shutting them.

She didn't want to get hurt anymore, she was tired.


Jungkook carefully closed the door and stayed in his position for a while, hand still on the knob.

He leaned his forehead onto the door and closed his eyes.

"i would never go back to you, lisa" he quietly said.

"because even if I tried, I could never ever deserve you, butterfly"

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