Chapter 1.- "Dear Diary"

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The classes that day had been eternal, Millie kept seeing the clock that was on the blackboard, the chemistry class ... God, she hated it, especially because she shared a room with the "Hellfire Club", at least that's what they called themselves, a group of idiots who wanted to fit in and believed that making others miserable was a good way to do it, the leader was Jacob Sartorius, an idiot who believed himself invincible just because his father was the president of the Academic council, In addition to being the greatest benefactor and managing the finances of the place, with that combination of power added to his wicked girlfriend Iris Apatow (Director's daughter), the guys at school had no choice but to endure especially Millie, she was a very peculiar girl, with very peculiar tastes, she was the perfect target and Jacob had a special fondness for teasing her.

Over time Millie had become accustomed to keeping a low profile, she believed that the more invisible she was, the less they could hurt her, unfortunately that had not worked, the only thing she had achieved was to be more alone every day, she had no friends, she really wasn't looking for them, Since she lost her parents, she decided that she did not want to lose anyone else and the only way that the loss does not hurt is that no one cares about you, it was just her and her grandmother, and of course ... her fantasy books, Millie loved everything related to those issues, something in her heart told her that all this was real and that someday something magical would happen in her life, meanwhile she took refuge in the pages of those books, spent hours in the library and in the book club where she had met good people, Gaten, Caleb, Sadie and Noah, they were kind, if she opened their hearts they could Be great friends but Millie didn't want to, in a few months high school would be over and she didn't need another goodbye, she didn't need more people to miss.

"Miss Brown? ... Miss Brown? ... MILLIE!". Professor Harbor's voice, brought Millie out of her thoughts, she almost fell out of her chair while everyone laughed loudly, especially Jacob, he did not miss opportunities like this.

"Millie was probably having a telepathic chat with her friends at Hogwarts".

"Don't be rude, Jacob". Iris interrupted him, anyone would think that she would defend her but immediately she distilled her poison. "We all know that Millie would never enter Hogwarts ... she doesn't have to pay the tuition". They all exploded with laughter as Millie rolled her eyes, really their jokes were less and less original.

"The poor and scholarship girl ha-ha-ha that funny and original". Millie said wanting to defend herself, while she took her things and went to the exit, luckily the bell rang.

"I don't want this kind of joke in my classroom, Mr. Sartorious and Miss. Apatow, I'm serious!! and I want everyone to read Chapter 14 for the next class and... Millie... can you wait a moment please? ". Mr.Harbor seemed a little worried, after everyone left she went to his desk.

"You're good?". He asked empathetically.

"Sure, I'm fine, I mean, I'm not the only one at this school who has a scholarship anyway and about what happened ...I swear I was paying attention to your class, I hope this does not affect my final grade, I really need to keep my average and..."

"Hey, take it easy, Millie!" . The teacher interrupted her. "You are one of my most applied students, there will be no consequences, I just want you to know that you can count on me, you know that I am also a student advisor, I am concerned about students like you... you know, that stay alone...alone of their own free will, I just wish you would take advantage of this last stage of high school to make friends ". Mr. Harbor seemed concerned, it was obvious that he was choosing his words very well, he did not want to appear impertinent, fortunately Millie was kind and did not take his concern in a bad way, it was just that she had no interest in following his advice.

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