Chapter 11.- "Free Pass"

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The night was cold but neither of them was able to feel cold , each kiss filling each cell of their bodies with heat, Millie was flying, melting at the sensation of Finn's lips on hers, his hand pressing on her waist , while the other gently cradled her face

and Finn ... Well, you don't have to be very smart to imagine how he felt right now, a young man who was kissing the girl he loved, he could die right now, on her lips, in her aroma, that vanilla essence , his favorite dessert, the only drug he needed in his life ... He could stay there forever but, reality came to him, loud and clear as a voice in his brain that reminded him that it was time to go home, that they were in the parking lot of a bar and most importantly... that Millie deserved more than this. ... Millie deserved more than the kisses from a guy who was lying to her.

"Mills ... we have to stop". Finn said trying with all his might to resist the urge to keep kissing her. "It is time to go".

Millie looked at him still overwhelmed by their intense kissing session.

"Oh , sure ... god !". Millie said a little embarrassed. "I think you are stronger than me" . She realized that if Finn hadn't slowed her down she might have been there until dawn.

"Well ... I guess I was the responsible adult tonight". Finn said, unable to avoid smiling at how tender she was when she was blushing, he gave her a little kiss on the nose while taking her hand and they went to his car, the night was calm until they heard noises, it seemed like an argument, between a girl and a guy... unfortunately they knew those voices very well.

"I told you not to touch me, you are drunk Jacob".

"Oh come on baby, don't pretend you don't want this ... oh would you rather I be someone else?" . Jacob spat annoyed as Iris looked at him confused.

"You think I didn't notice, all night long you flirted with every fucking guy who crossed your path, you behave like a whore and now you become a saint and prudish?".

Millie and Finn's eyes met with concern, they definitely didn't need any more trouble that night but Finn had a protective instinct by nature and Millie knew immediately what he was thinking so she just nodded as she whispered to him.

"Okay, go ... just be careful, he's drunk ...".

Without waiting any longer, Finn approached the origin of those voices, finding Jacob pressing Iris's body onto his car.

"Jacob, leave her alone!". Finn's voice caught Jacob's attention as he spun slowly, letting out an ironic laugh.

"Look who came! ... the perfect man ... Are you now a superhero or shit like that?".

"You're ok?". Finn said directly to Iris, completely ignoring Jacob, but he was not willing to step aside, at that point he was not only drunk but he was furious with Finn.

"Yes Wolfhard, she's fine ... why don't you take care of your own businesses?, I'll take care of my girl and you take care of yours ... I could advise you good motels if you want to continue the party ... I mean, if Millie wear that red dress so hot tonight, maybe it's because she was hoping to have some fun... not so prudish after all, right weirdo?".

Finn moved so fast that Jacob couldn't stop him, now Finn had Jacob by the collar of his shirt pressed against the door of his car, Finn's face was full of anger.

"Dare to talk about her like that again and I swear to God ...".

"What will you do to me, Wolfhard? ... after all this time you think you can threaten me ... dare to put a finger on me and I can destroy you... you know I can do it, right?".

Jacob's voice was cold and his gaze was chilling, Millie was surprised by the effect he had on Finn, Finn was not a coward, he had demonstrated it many times, but now seeing how slowly he moved away from Jacob, she could see a vulnerable side of him... was he afraid? .

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