Chapter 22.- "Do you know this guy?"

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A million thoughts flashed through Millie's mind as she drove to that little house at the end of her street.

Yes... there was only one place where she could find all those answers, there was only one person capable of solving all her doubts, but it was difficult, it was difficult when inside Millie there was still a battle between skepticism and blind faith, before touching that door, Millie had to be completely sure that she believed in the power of the diary, there was no time to hesitate, this was not a game, it was about Finn's life.

Few times in life we ​​face such important dilemmas.

In that house ... She was going to find a magical and incredible answer or she was just wasting time while Finn was on the verge of death.

"God ... what am I supposed to say?"

Millie put her head on the wheel while trying to regularize her breathing, she had reached her destination ... Mrs. Kersh's house, but she had no idea how to proceed from there, had no plan, did not even know if she I would like to speak to you.

"Good evening, Mr. Kersh ... I'm Millie, the girl who called you crazy last time ... yes, sure, that will work".

Millie was pacing the garden, rambling, unable to find the courage to knock on that door, the light was on so at least she knew Mrs. Kersh was home.

"Come on Millie, Finn is fighting for his life right now, he needs your help and you can't knock on a stupid door ... do it now, do it now!". Millie thought as she strode to the door.

If Millie still had any doubts in her heart about everything that was going on, that doubt disappeared when, before her finger pressed the doorbell, she saw the door open, revealing in front of her a quiet old woman and with a soft smile on her face, as if her visit didn't surprise her at all.

"Hello Millie ... I knew we would meet again ... come on, it's cold outside".

"Oh my God".

Millie thought, as she entered that house feeling a chill run down her entire spine, she was not afraid of Mrs. Kersh, curiously despite all the mystery that surrounded her, she was a sweet person and her presence projected tranquility, no...she was the trigger for Millie's fear... it was fear of the unknown, fear of what she was about to confirm, fear of not being able to help Finn.

"Mrs. Kersh ... I ... ". Millie stuttered a little. "I think I should start with an apology for the way I spoke to you the last time I was here ... I was rude and ..."

"Little girl...". She cut her off. "Everything is forgotten, I could see your pain that day, you are young, it takes a lifetime to control our emotions ... do not take seriously the things you said, we are fine". She said after patting the back of her hand gently.

"Thank you ... I, I didn't know if coming here would be correct ... I ... I don't even know where to start" . Millie tried to choose her words well. "There is something I need to know, I need to be sure of something, although to be honest, I don't know if I want to know ... but ... I must know, I really need to know".

"I'm glad you are willing to look for the answers you need Millie, that speaks to your maturity, I have always said that the worst ignorance is voluntary ignorance and ..."

The first blow of understanding came.

a Dejavú...

Something sank into Millie's stomach, it was like falling on a roller coaster.

"What did you say?...". Millie said interrupting her, as she felt her blood freeze, she clearly remembered what Finn wrote in hIS letter, he spoke about a person he met and that person said exactly the same words ... Was that the confirmation She needed? The sign that she asked so much?.

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